Releases: callstackincubator/react-native-fast-io
Releases · callstackincubator/react-native-fast-io
This is initial release and re-release of react-native-fast-ws
. Changelog contains all changes made so far.
0.1.0 (2024-11-18)
- additional picker options (#31) (212731b)
- CompressionStream (#36) (882af20)
- create StreamFactory with buffer as const, new stream() for each File (#40) (3dba2aa)
- dedicated UI for picker (#38) (c4b0f8d)
- export event types (#2) (13e9d1a)
- fetch android with streams (#49) (a4c1309)
- implement benchmark app (#13) (b67a1d3)
- implement compression stream in c++ (#43) (31e976b)
- implement HybridWebSocket on Android (#6) (9640bd6)
- implement mimetype (#32) (31d22a3)
- implement support for mime type on Android, fix: types (#46) (30d1234)
- implementation of readable streams on Android, and FilePicker (#45) (5c659c9)
- initial commit (f162565)
- initial implementation of FileAccess API (#27) (674d19b)
- initial streams support and convert to I/O module (#20) (cde0bb0)
- provide numbers for benchmarks (#14) (af84306)
- provide spec-compliant close method (#8) (0619144)
- refresh build pipeline (#50) (400fdd7)
- render benchmark results in app (#1) (53c0178)
- run streaming read/write operations in a Kotlin coroutine (#48) (79596a9)
- scaffold Android part in Kotlin (#5) (4562c3e)
- scaffold Android streams code and fix build after renaming package (#42) (e12d693)
- spec compliance for web socket module (#4) (87db05a)
- support sending blobs (#19) (b896767)
- update streaming api after implementing android (#47) (8a94543)
- upgrade dependencies to Nitro 0.14 and React Native 0.76 (#3) (40135be)
- remove key insights (e5f4340)