This is a generator for express.js applications. It generates a project that out of the box uses the MVC pattern with service layer, dependency injection, Mongoose and BSON for data transfer between the client and the server.
Project Initiation To generate the project and install the dependencies run
node ./generator/generator.js init
Running commands the after initiation
npm run generate [INSERT COMMAND HERE]
Command list The list of available commands can be obtained by running the help command(
npm run generate help
). -
Dependency injection for services The generator provides you with the inject middleware. You can inject services like so:
//a random controller file const controller = require('express').Router(); const inject = require('./middleware/injectMiddleware'); //All the services are injected in the request object. controller.use(inject([ 'someService' //this is the actual file name in the /services folder ])); //Use the injected service'/',(req,res)=>req.someService.someMethod());
BSON The use of BSON for data transfer is optional. The BSON objects are automatically parsed(see app.js file) by a middleware. The middleware expects a compressed(with zlib) BSON object. You can use pako to compress the BSON objects in the browser.
Templating engine, authentication and sessions The generator does not provide any default templating system, authentication or session management. You are free to use whatever you like