A .NET Core MVC portal using a PostgreSQL database, Bootstrap, and Razor Pages.
- A homepage with apps (links) to frequently used sites and resources
- Easily create, and manage apps using the app management screen
- A fast and intuitive search (easily search for apps, people, and more)
- Create roles and assign users to roles
- Restrict access to pages using role-based authorization
- Mobile friendly, responsive design
- .NET 5.0
- PostgreSQL
- pgAdmin (optional)
- Import the database from the /Database folder
- Modify the database connection string in appsettings.json
- Specify a username and password for an admin account in /Portal/Seeds/DefaultUsers.cs
- Login using the admin account
- Create applications and users using the admin screen
- Restrict access to site areas by modifying authorize attributes for site controllers under /Portal/Controllers/
- Modify the site colour scheme and appearance in /Portal/wwwroot/css/site.css
- Modify the global site template in Portal/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtm