This repo contains the content and final solution for the "Grounding AI Applications with React, JavaScript, Langchain and Elasticsearch" workshop, given at React Day Berlin.
This workshop will walk through how to add simple traditional search to an application, and how to build Oscar, a simple RAG-based chatbot.
Prior to building the application using the supplied worksheets, please ensure you have met the stated install prerequisites.
Initialising the starting point RAG application is possible via the below commands:
cd movie-rag
npm install
Note: if you receive error You are using Node.js 19.0.0. For Next.js, Node.js version "^18.18.0 || ^19.8.0 || >= 20.0.0" is required., ensure you are using a compatible version of Node.js using the below steps:
nvm install 20.13.1
nvm use 20.13.1
- Elasticsearch and the Elasticsearch JavaScript client
- Langchain JS
- Ollama
- AI by Vercel SDK, including the UI SDK
- React, specifically Next.js