In machine learning, the cost for users to train a model and the control they have over its outputs usually correlate: supervised models are high in control but high in cost; unsupervised models are low in cost but low in control. However, social social scientists have to perform analysis based on existing theories and concepts with very limited computational, financial and human resources.
LSS is a semi-supervised document scaling model developed by Kohei Watanabe to perform large scale analysis of textual data by keeping the balance between the cost and control for his PhD thesis. Taking pre-defined seed words as weak supervision, it estimates word parameters in a latent semantic space.
This model has been used for large scale analysis of media content in recent research projects:
- Kohei Watanabe, 2017. “Measuring News Bias: Russia’s Official News Agency ITAR-TASS’s Coverage of the Ukraine Crisis”, European Journal Communication
- Kohei Watanabe, 2017. “The spread of the Kremlin’s narratives by a western news agency during the Ukraine crisis”, Journal of International Communication
- Tomila Lankina and Kohei Watanabe. 2017. "Russian Spring’ or ‘Spring Betrayal’? The Media as a Mirror of Putin’s Evolving Strategy in Ukraine", Europe-Asia Studies
LSS estimates semantic similarity of words based on their surrounding contexts, so a LSS model should be trained on data where the text unit is sentence. It is also affected by noises in data such as function words and punctuation marks, so they should also be removed. It requires larger corpus of texts (5000 or more documents) to accurately estimate semantic proximity. The sample corpus contains 10,000 Guardian news articles from 2016.
corp <- readRDS('/home/kohei/Dropbox/Public/data_corpus_guardian2016-10k.rds')
toks_sent <- corp %>%
corpus_reshape('sentences') %>%
tokens(remove_punct = TRUE)
mt_sent <- toks_sent %>%
dfm(remove = stopwords()) %>%
dfm_select('^[a-zA-Z]+$', valuetype = 'regex', min_nchar = 2) %>%
dfm_trim(min_termfreq = 5)
#' sentiment model on economy
eco <- head(char_keyness(toks_sent, 'econom*'), 500)
lss_eco <- textmodel_lss(mt_sent, seedwords('pos-neg'), features = eco)
# sentiment model on politics
pol <- head(char_keyness(toks_sent, 'politi*'), 500)
lss_pol <- textmodel_lss(mt_sent, seedwords('pos-neg'), features = pol)
Seed words are 14 generic sentiment words.
## good nice excellent positive fortunate correct
## 1 1 1 1 1 1
## superior bad nasty poor negative unfortunate
## 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
## wrong inferior
## -1 -1
LSS identifies domain specific words and weight them by sentiment.
head(coef(lss_eco), 20) # most positive words
## positive expecting emerging professor sustainable decent
## 0.04198759 0.04041890 0.03913838 0.03453550 0.03438302 0.03208933
## oxford stock prof academic markets efficient
## 0.03161188 0.03147390 0.03014006 0.02986570 0.02947902 0.02903777
## failed asia management hit consultancy slide
## 0.02804538 0.02780202 0.02704815 0.02670997 0.02659349 0.02640886
## impacts china
## 0.02586232 0.02559905
tail(coef(lss_eco), 20) # most negative words
## brexit pound situation data rise
## -0.03378953 -0.03410171 -0.03439309 -0.03457411 -0.03495389
## impact pantheon implications cutting downbeat
## -0.03535304 -0.03546813 -0.03565484 -0.03590826 -0.03597810
## debt interest suggested suggests hike
## -0.03636211 -0.03762701 -0.03864661 -0.03928283 -0.04396055
## rates rate unemployment rba negative
## -0.04638569 -0.04689606 -0.04810378 -0.05048054 -0.06004318
head(coef(lss_pol), 20) # most positive words
## correct constitutional commentator battle
## 0.04617497 0.03838595 0.03682553 0.03494310
## professor court university killed
## 0.03453550 0.03383873 0.02973055 0.02935159
## near process lecturer representatives
## 0.02786398 0.02731266 0.02720056 0.02698998
## laura elected relatives robert
## 0.02482720 0.02462219 0.02432675 0.02395674
## career hong reasons involved
## 0.02390902 0.02288129 0.02280180 0.02272463
tail(coef(lss_pol), 20) # most negative words
## increase purposes talk motivated showed
## -0.02656812 -0.02661012 -0.02661925 -0.02663048 -0.02764339
## promises calculation consequences row often
## -0.02847466 -0.02879053 -0.02903463 -0.02939308 -0.03084510
## complicated dirty movements debate discussion
## -0.03151053 -0.03228046 -0.03235362 -0.03269543 -0.03360233
## brexit data departure dominated cut
## -0.03378953 -0.03457411 -0.03629428 -0.03700214 -0.05993724
In the plots, circles indicate estimated sentiment of news articles. After the UK’s referendum on EU membership on 23 June, we can see sharp drop in both economic and political sentiment in the newspaper articles. Economic sentiment recovered within a month, but negative political sentiment sustained.
mt <- dfm(corp)
pred_eco <-, newdata = mt, density = TRUE))
pred_eco$date <- docvars(mt, 'date')
pred_eco <- na.omit(pred_eco)
plot(pred_eco$date, pred_eco$fit, pch = 16, col = rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.1),
ylim = c(-1, 1), ylab = 'economic sentiment')
lines(lowess(pred_eco$date, pred_eco$fit, f = 0.05), col = 1)
abline(h = 0, v = as.Date("2016-06-23"), lty = c(1, 3))
pred_pol <-, newdata = mt, density = TRUE))
pred_pol$date <- docvars(mt, 'date')
pred_pol <- na.omit(pred_pol)
plot(pred_pol$date, pred_pol$fit, pch = 16, col = rgb(1, 0, 0, 0.1),
ylim = c(-1, 1), ylab = 'political sentiment')
lines(lowess(pred_pol$date, pred_pol$fit, f = 0.05), col = 2)
abline(h = 0, v = as.Date("2016-06-23"), lty = c(1, 3))
plot(docvars(mt, 'date'), rep(0, ndoc(mt)), type = 'n',
ylim = c(-0.5, 0.5), ylab = 'economic/political sentiment')
lines(lowess(pred_eco$date, pred_eco$fit, f = 0.05), col = 1)
lines(lowess(pred_pol$date, pred_pol$fit, f = 0.05), col = 2)
abline(h = 0)
legend('topright', lty = 1, col = 1:2, legend = c('political', 'economic'))
abline(h = 0, v = as.Date("2016-06-23"), lty = c(1, 3))