A desktop application built for all systems. The idea of bringing HeightLimitMod to all the clients, like lunar, BLC and even vanilla.
- Make the UI (working on)
- A way to read the chat file
- Main page
- Current Map page
- All Maps Page
- Stats page maybe?
- Settings page
These are the prioritys right now, but there will be more things added as the list completes
I will be working on these things, but if anyone wants to contribute i would really appriciate it
Click "Clone Repository"
Paste in https://github.com/pinkulu/HeightLimitApp
Chose The location
Then in the terminal run "yarn add typescript @types/bootstrap @types/react-bootstrap bootstrap react react-bootstrap electron @electron/remote axios concurrently wait-on"
When that is done, run "yarn electron:serve" to start the electron app
I dont know, if you use another IDEA please contribute to this
If you have done something and want to contribute, please in your title, describe the feature youve added, and in the description, add anything else that could be usefull like if you have added another packedge say in your description "You need to run "yarn add NAME" or just more indept of what youve made"
For easy communications I use discord, and you can join it too https://discord.gg/Fykpshg