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v1.0.0: Simplify module structure and introduce alleycats-retry (#132)

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@LukaJCB LukaJCB released this 13 Dec 18:48

What’s Changed

Migration guide

Modules refactored and renamed

We've moved things around slightly in this release: cats-effect is now a core dependency, making integration with cats-effect easier. Support for Future, Id and Eval, on the other hand, have been moved out of the core into a new alleycats-retry module.

As part of this process the modules have been renamed, so unfortunately scala-steward won't be able to help you. You'll need to update manually.

If you were using cats-retry with cats-effect IO:

  • Previously you needed cats-retry-core and cats-retry-cats-effect
  • Now you need only cats-retry

If you were using cats-retry with Monix:

  • Previously you needed cats-retry-core and cats-retry-cats-effect, and you may have been using cats-retry-monix
  • Now you need only cats-retry

If you were using cats-retry with Future or Id:

  • Previously you needed cats-retry-core
  • Now you need alleycats-retry

Other breaking changes

  • The syntax extensions have changed slightly. Arguments that used to be passed implicitly are now passed explicitly, and type inference should work better than before.
  • The non-monadic retrying combinator has been removed from the core. Similar behaviour is available as a syntax extension in the alleycats-retry module.