As a fan of Rick & Morty I wanted to be able to use LoremRicksum in Laravel to dynamically generate funny quotes in seeders or live in a demo-page (i.e. with random number of paragraphs and quotes)
The package service provider registers the facade with autoloading. You can use the following methods:
LoremRicksum::getPlaintext($paragraphs=1, $quotes=3)
LoremRicksum::getHtml($paragraphs=1, $quotes=3)
- implemented with/for Laravel 6 LTS. I guess it is compatible with later versions
- I did not implement any unit-tests for the sake of simplicity - it is just for fun and not meant for any production systems ;-)
- I only used assertions to prevent unwanted behaviour if the api breaks (unavailable, new calls)
Many thanks to @emillinden and @adameriksson for the creation of the api :-)