convert from SplashID Safe to KeePass Password Safe CSV format for importation using generic CSV importer
- support for MacRoman and Windows encodings
- merges SplashID fields 5-9 to the end of Notes
stdlib's csv module does not support Unicode, so use unicodecsv from Jeremy Dunck instead.
git clone
cd python-unicodecsv
sudo python install
in SplashID for Mac :
File / Export / CSV
name your output file export_csv.csv
select "all records"
mail : no
python ./ -i export_csv.csv -o import.csv
open KeePass 2.x on Windows
- File / Import / Generic CSV Importer
- select import.csv
- choose the text encoding and check the preview
- in the structure tab, select
- comma as field separator
- " as text qualifier
- new line as record separator
- ignore 1st row
- in the semantic field list, define the following fields to match import.csv
- Title
- User Name
- Password
- last mod time : yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm';'ss'
- Notes
- Group
- check the preview to see if the import would work as expected
- go for it
Before deleting your old SplashID database, be sure that all the records imported fine. At end of process, delete all your temporary export and import files from your disk.
[email protected], 23.9.2013