This projects is a resurrection of Rene Puls' Objective-C wrapper for the Redland C RDF libraries for Mac, with the addition of a static library target suitable for iOS. The code now requires Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) to be enabled.
The wrapped libraries are:
- raptor2 2.0.15
- rasqal 0.9.33
- redland 1.0.17
The documentation is available at Please note that there will be compilation errors if the path to your project directory contains spaces.
If you're using Git for version control of your project (and I hope you are), it's easiest to add the framework as a submodule:
$ cd YourProject
$ git submodule add git://
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
If not you should still use Git to check out the latest version:
$ cd YourProject
$ git clone git://
Now whenever there has been an update to the framework and you want to get the latest and greatest, you can just pull:
$ cd YourProject/Redland-ObjC
$ git pull
Note that building the C libraries is not possible if your project directory contains spaces. The build script will warn you about this fact and exit.
TL;DR: Run the script Redland-source/
Note: When building the C libraries with Xcode, the progress bar will appear stalled while saying Running 1 of 1 custom shell scripts, which can take some minutes. Just be patient, the compilation will go through or abort with an error.
The first time you build the framework, the C libraries will automatically be built, so you need not worry about this.
Compilation requires pkg-config
, which will be installed for you if you run the
You can install it yourself via Homebrew:
$ brew install pkg-config
There is a Python-script that downloads and (cross-)compiles raptor2, rasqal and librdf, the components you need. The script needs you to have Xcode 4.5 and the iOS SDK 5.1 or later installed. If you are on Xcode < 5.0, make sure you have the command line tools installed, you do that from within Xcode » Preferences » Downloads » Components.
Just choose the Redland C Library target and hit Run. Alternatively, open the Terminal and execute the script manually:
$ cd Redland-ObjC/Redland-source
$ python
This will build libraries for armv7
, armv7s
, arm64
, i386
and x86_64
You can change all this in the file
if you dare.
The script will only build the missing C libraries, if you want to force a new build run the target Redland PURGE C Library or run the script Redland-source/
Problems? Take a look at common errors.
The framework is intended to be added to your Xcode workspace and linked into your app. Add the project file Redland.xcodeproj
to your own project workspace
by dragging it to the file area in Xcode.
Then, in your app's Build Settings, you need to adjust a few things:
In your app's Build Phases under Link Binary with Libraries, add these libraries by clicking the [+] button:
Note: After you've added this lib and build your app, Xcode will automatically build the Redland-ObjC project first. As noted above, this will take a few minutes the first time it happens because Xcode cross-compiles the redland C libraries for the first time.
Note: Xcode seems to have issues when header files get added during a build process, which is what happens on the first cross compile. If your app build fails because of missing headers, simply close and reopen the project again.
(if you use storage)
Now you need to give Xcode some more hints so it can compile your app
with recursive enabled.
This assumes that the
directory is inside your app directory, adjust as needed.
This makes sure categories used in the framework are being correctly loaded. If you forget this flag, your app will crash as soon as you try to use a class method on a Redland object.
What you would usually do with static libraries is have public header files. This however prevents Xcode from building an executable app when archiving since it also archives the public headers to a usr/include folder in the archive.
For this reason all iOS header files in the framework are on project level only. This is why you must tell Xcode to go look for your header files in the project directory instead, as instructed above.
In whichever class you use the Redland-ObjC objects, you need to include our header:
#import <Redland-ObjC.h>
Here's an example on how you would parse RDF+XML contained in a file example.xml
in your bundle:
NSString *rdfPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"example" ofType:@"xml"];
NSString *rdfString = [[NSString alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:rdfPath
RedlandParser *parser = [RedlandParser parserWithName:RedlandRDFXMLParserName];
RedlandURI *uri = [RedlandURI URIWithString:@""];
RedlandModel *model = [RedlandModel new];
// parse
@try {
[parser parseString:rdfString intoModel:model withBaseURI:uri];
@catch (NSException *exception) {
NSLog(@"Failed to parse RDF: %@", [exception reason]);
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""
<rdf:Description rdf:about="">
<dc:creator>Jan Grant</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Dave Beckett</dc:creator>
<dc:title>World Wide Web Consortium</dc:title>
<dc:source rdf:resource=""/>
Here's how you would query this model for one of the creators of rdf-test:
RedlandNode *subject = [RedlandNode nodeWithURIString:@""];
RedlandNode *predicate = [RedlandNode nodeWithURIString:@""];
RedlandStatement *statement = [RedlandStatement statementWithSubject:subject
RedlandStreamEnumerator *query = [model enumeratorOfStatementsLike:statement];
RedlandStatement *rslt = [query nextObject];
// be aware that if literalValue can only be used on literal nodes.
// object is the object-node of the RedlandStatement that is returned by the query.
NSString *creator = [rslt.object literalValue];
NSLog(@"Creator: %@", creator);
I've made a simple demo app for iOS if you want to see it in action. The demo app contains the framework as a submodule,
so just clone the demo repository and hit Run
The code is documented using appledoc and available on Appledoc allows you to integrate the documentation right into Xcode, meaning you can then ALT
- click Redland classes
and methods to see what they do.
If you want to compile the documentation, it's best if you grab appledoc from GitHub directly:
$ git clone git://
$ cd appledoc
$ ./ -b /usr/local/bin -t ~/Library/Application\ Support/appledoc
Note that this assumes that you have write permissions for
, if not you may need to issue this command as root withsudo
Afterwards just select the Redland Documentation target in Xcode and hit CMD
+ B
. This will build and install the documentation, after which it will be available from within Xcode. To build manually you do:
$ appledoc .
NOTE: appledoc currently does not support the
token, so some property documentations are shifted and thus off!