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Monitor texture reference

Jonathan Coates edited this page Nov 11, 2020 · 1 revision

Monitors have a pretty complex model (and texture). We need a separate model for each possible combination of present/missing faces, which gives us a total of 16 models.

What's more confusing is the textures, which are simply named monitor_normal_n, where n ranges from 0-7, 16-47 (because nothing can be simple). The following table serves as a lookup of what face of the monitor means, what edges it corresponds to.


  • Side: This will be one:

    • Top: The top/bottom of the monitor.
    • Side: Left and right of the monitor.
    • Front: The screen of the monitor. These are largely transparent, with some border.
    • Back: The back of the monitor.
  • Faces: This is a set of l, r, u, d (left, right, up, down), which describes which edges are missing from the image (and so which edges have an adjacent monitor). For instance, "lrud" has monitors on all sides, while "u" just has one above.

The table

Tex Side Faces
0 Top
1 Top r
2 Top lr
3 Top l
4 Side
5 Side u
6 Side ud
7 Side d
16 Front ?
17 Front ?
18 Front ?
19 Front ?
20 Front ?
21 Front ?
22 Front ?
23 Front ?
24 Front ?
25 Front ?
26 Front ?
27 Front ?
28 Front ?
29 Front ?
30 Front ?
31 Front ?
32 Back
33 Back r
34 Back lr
35 Back r
36 Back d
37 Back ud
38 Back u
39 Back ur
40 Back ulr
41 Back ul
42 Back rud
43 Back lrud
44 Back lud
45 Back rd
46 Back lrd
47 Back ld