NLog target for the LiteDB 5.x database
Examples below for the 4 connection string types:
<!-- Legacy Target still supported-->
<target name="legacy" xsi:type="liteDBTarget"
collectionName="DefaultLog" FlushTimeout="100" BufferSize="100" SlidingTimeout="true" OverflowAction="Flush">
<property name="ThreadID" layout="${threadid}" bsonType="Int32" />
<property name="ThreadName" layout="${threadname}" />
<property name="ProcessID" layout="${processid}" bsonType="Int32" />
<property name="ProcessName" layout="${processname:fullName=true}" />
<property name="UserName" layout="${windows-identity}" />
<target name="special" xsi:type="liteDBTarget"
collectionName="DefaultLog" IsJournaling="false" FlushTimeout="100" BufferSize="100" SlidingTimeout="true" OverflowAction="Flush">
<property name="ThreadID" layout="${threadid}" bsonType="Int32" />
<property name="ThreadName" layout="${threadname}" />
<property name="ProcessID" layout="${processid}" bsonType="Int32" />
<property name="ProcessName" layout="${processname:fullName=true}" />
<property name="UserName" layout="${windows-identity}" />
<target name="path" xsi:type="liteDBTarget"
collectionName="DefaultLog" IsJournaling="false" FlushTimeout="100" BufferSize="100" SlidingTimeout="true" OverflowAction="Flush">
<property name="ThreadID" layout="${threadid}" bsonType="Int32" />
<property name="ThreadName" layout="${threadname}" />
<property name="ProcessID" layout="${processid}" bsonType="Int32" />
<property name="ProcessName" layout="${processname:fullName=true}" />
<property name="UserName" layout="${windows-identity}" />
<target name="file" xsi:type="liteDBTarget"
collectionName="DefaultLog" IsJournaling="false" FlushTimeout="100" BufferSize="100" SlidingTimeout="true" OverflowAction="Flush">
<property name="ThreadID" layout="${threadid}" bsonType="Int32" />
<property name="ThreadName" layout="${threadname}" />
<property name="ProcessID" layout="${processid}" bsonType="Int32" />
<property name="ProcessName" layout="${processname:fullName=true}" />
<property name="UserName" layout="${windows-identity}" />
<logger name="*" minlevel="Trace" maxlevel="Debug" writeTo="special" />
<logger name="*" minlevel="Info" maxlevel="Warn" writeTo="path" />
<logger name="*" minlevel="Error" maxlevel="Fatal" writeTo="file" />
name - Name of the target.
- flushtimeout - timeout (in milliseconds) after which the contents of the buffer will be flushed if there's no write in the specified period of time. Use -1 to disable timed flushes
- buffersize - the number of log events to be buffered ( min 1, max 100). Default is 100.
- slidingtimeout - If sliding timeout is enabled, the inactivity timer is reset after each write, if it is disabled - inactivity timer will count from the first event written to the buffer.
- overflowaction -the action to take if the buffer overflows. (default "Flush")
- Discard - replace the oldest event with new events without sending events down to the wrapped target.
- Flush - flush the entire buffer to the wrapped target.
connectionName - The name of the connection string to get from the config file.
connectionString - 3 connection string types are permitted.
- Special - this allows for the connection string to utilize special folders - Refer to Microsoft documentation on Environment.SpecialFolder Enum for a full list. They are case sensitive.
- Path - as this suggests - a file path.
- File - just a base filename.
collectionName - The name of the LiteDB collection to write logs to.
IsJournaling - Journaling is enabled by default. Specify IsJournaling="false" to disable LiteDB journaling.
includeDefaults - Specifies if the default document is created when writing to the collection. Defaults to true.
field - Specifies a root level document field. There can be multiple fields specified.
property - Specifies a dictionary property on the Properties field. There can be multiple properties specified.
<target name="liteDB" xsi:type="liteDBTarget"
collectionName="DefaultLog" FlushTimeout="100" BufferSize="100" SlidingTimeout="true" OverflowAction="Flush">
<property name="ThreadID" layout="${threadid}" bsonType="Int32" />
<property name="ThreadName" layout="${threadname}" />
<property name="ProcessID" layout="${processid}" bsonType="Int32" />
<property name="ProcessName" layout="${processname:fullName=true}" />
<property name="UserName" layout="${windows-identity}" />
<target name="liteDB" xsi:type="liteDBTarget"
collectionName="DefaultLog" IsJournaling="false" FlushTimeout="100" BufferSize="100" SlidingTimeout="true" OverflowAction="Flush">
<property name="ThreadID" layout="${threadid}" bsonType="Int32" />
<property name="ThreadName" layout="${threadname}" />
<property name="ProcessID" layout="${processid}" bsonType="Int32" />
<property name="ProcessName" layout="${processname:fullName=true}" />
<property name="UserName" layout="${windows-identity}" />
<target name="legacy" xsi:type="liteDBTarget"
collectionName="DefaultLog" FlushTimeout="100" BufferSize="100" SlidingTimeout="true" OverflowAction="Flush">
<property name="ThreadID" layout="${threadid}" bsonType="Int32" />
<property name="ThreadName" layout="${threadname}" />
<property name="ProcessID" layout="${processid}" bsonType="Int32" />
<property name="ProcessName" layout="${processname:fullName=true}" />
<property name="UserName" layout="${windows-identity}" />
"Message":"Test Log Message",
"Message":"Test Exception",
"BaseMessage":"Inner Exception",
"Text":"System.Exception: Test Exception ---> System.Exception: Inner Exception\r\n --- End of inner exception stack trace ---",
"ProcessName":"-Information about process here ",