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The project is based on pytorch and integrates the current mainstream network architecture, including VGGnet, ResNet, Densenet, MobileNet and DarkNet (YOLOv2 and YOLOv3).

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82f9a75 · Dec 24, 2022


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Oct 14, 2019
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Mar 3, 2021
Mar 3, 2021
Dec 24, 2022
Mar 4, 2020
Oct 14, 2019
Oct 14, 2019

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The project is based on pytorch and integrates the current mainstream network architecture, including VGGnet, ResNet, DenseNet, MobileNet and DarkNet (YOLOv2 and YOLOv3).

This project will fully comply with the relevant details mentioned in the paper. Since the structural details in some papers are incomplete, we have added some personal insights. The input size of all networks is uniformly set to (224, 224, 3) (H, W, C).

Networks Result

Model Params/Million FLOPs/G Time_cast/ms Top-1 Top-5
--- 2015 ---
Vgg11 9.738984 15.02879 205.59 70.4 89.6
Vgg13 9.92388 22.45644 324.13 71.3 90.1
Vgg16 15.236136 30.78787 397.33 74.4 91.9
Vgg19 20.548392 39.11929 451.11 74.5 92.0
--- 2016 ---
ResNet18 11.693736 3.65921 86.56
ResNet34 21.801896 7.36109 123.07 75.81 92.6
ResNet50 25.557032 8.27887 293.62 77.15 93.29
ResNet101 44.54916 15.71355 413.51 78.25 93.95
ResNet152 60.192808 23.15064 573.09 78.57 94.29
PreActResNet18 11.690792 3.65840 86.12
PreActResNet34 21.798952 7.36029 142.51
PreActResNet50 25.545256 8.27566 296.39
PreActResNet101 44.537384 15.71034 418.37
PreActResNet152 60.181032 23.14743 578.81 78.90 94.50
DarkNet19(YOLOv2) 8.01556 10.90831 139.21
--- 2017 ---
DenseNet121(k=32) 7.978734 5.69836 286.45
DenseNet169(k=32) 14.149358 6.75643 375.47
DenseNet201(k=32) 20.013806 8.63084 486.14
DenseNet264(k=32) 33.337582 11.57003 689.63
DenseNet161(k=48) 28.680814 15.50790 708.36
DPN92 36.779704 12.77985 366.11 79.30 94.60
DPN98 60.21588 22.92897 573.04 79.80 94.80
ResNeXt50_2x40d 25.425 8.29756 364.24 77.00
ResNeXt50_4x24d 25.292968 8.37150 416.01 77.40
ResNeXt50_8x14d 25.603016 8.58994 444.33 77.70
ResNeXt50_32x4d 25.028904 8.51937 460.20 77.80
ResNeXt101_2x40d 44.456296 15.75783 640.83 78.3
ResNeXt101_4x24d 44.363432 15.84712 627.48 78.6
ResNeXt101_8x14d 45.104328 16.23445 870.31 78.7
ResNeXt101_32x4d 44.177704 16.02570 952.88 78.8
MobileNet 4.231976 1.14757 100.45 70.60
SqueezeNet 1.2524 1.69362 90.97 57.50 80.30
SqueezeNet + Simple Bypass 1.2524 1.69550 96.82 60.40 82.50
SqueezeNet + Complex Bypass 1.594928 2.40896 130.98 58.80 82.00
--- 2018 ---
PeleeNet 4.51988 4.96656 237.18 72.6 90.6
1.0-SqNxt-23 0.690824 0.48130 69.93 59.05 82.60
1.0-SqNxt-23v5 0.909704 0.47743 58.40 59.24 82.41
2.0-SqNxt-23 2.2474 1.12928 111.89 67.18 88.17
2.0-SqNxt-23v5 3.11524 1.12155 93.54 67.44 88.20
MobileNetV2 3.56468 0.66214 138.15 74.07
DarkNet53(YOLOv3) 41.609928 14.25625 275.50
DLA-34 15.784869 2.27950 70.17
DLA-46-C 1.310885 0.40895 40.29 64.9 86.7
DLA-60 22.335141 2.93399 110.80
DLA-102 33.732773 4.42848 154.27
DLA-169 53.990053 6.65083 230.39
DLA-X-46-C 1.077925 0.37765 44.74 66.0 87.0
DLA-X-60-C 1.337765 0.40313 50.84 68.0 88.4
DLA-X-60 17.650853 2.39033 131.93
DLA-X-102 26.773157 3.58778 164.93
IGCV3-D (0.7) 2.490294 0.31910 165.14 68.45
IGCV3-D (1.0) 3.491688 0.60653 263.80 72.20
IGCV3-D (1.4) 6.015164 1.11491 318.40 74.70
--- 2019 ---
EfficientNet-B0 5.288548 0.01604 186.61 76.30 93.20
EfficientNet-B1 7.794184 0.02124 266.05 78.80 94.40
EfficientNet-B2 9.109994 0.02240 277.94 79.80 94.90
EfficientNet-B3 12.233232 0.02905 376.24 81.10 95.50
EfficientNet-B4 19.341616 0.03762 513.91 82.60 96.30
EfficientNet-B5 30.389784 0.05086 721.95 83.30 96.70
EfficientNet-B6 43.040704 0.06443 1062.64 84.00 96.90
EfficientNet-B7 66.34796 0.08516 1520.88 84.40 97.10

GoogleNet Inception V1-V4

Model Params/Million FLOPs/G Time_cast/ms Top-1 Top-5
--- 2014 ---
GoogleNet V1 6.998552 3.20387 85.95
GoogleNet V1 (LRN) 6.998552 3.20387 192.64 71.00 90.80
GoogleNet V1 (Bn) 7.013112 3.21032 139.42 73.20
--- 2015 ---
GoogleNet V2 11.204936 4.08437 127.71 76.60
GoogleNet V3 23.834568 7.60887 208.01 78.80 94.40
--- 2016 ---
GoogleNet V4 42.679816 12.31977 324.36 80.00 95.10

Note: GoogleNet V1 does not include the Bn layer, but after the first two layers of convolution, LocalResponseNorm is added, this operation will increase the calculation time of the model. So we found that GoogleNet V1 is slower than GoogleNet V1_Bn.

For Time_cast, we set the input size: (4, 3, 224, 224), and then test multiple rounds of averaging (time is susceptible to interference from CPU operating state).



我们需要的是训练集与验证集(等同测试集),一般论文当中只展示验证集上的结果(Top-1 & Top-5)。

Development kit (Task 1 & 2). 2.5MB. (这个并没有用到)

Training images (Task 1 & 2). 138GB. MD5: 1d675b47d978889d74fa0da5fadfb00e

Validation images (all tasks). 6.3GB. MD5: 29b22e2961454d5413ddabcf34fc5622





tar xvf ILSVRC2012_img_train.tar -C ./train

tar xvf ILSVRC2012_img_val.tar -C ./val



for x in `ls $dir/*tar`
    filename=`basename $x .tar`
    mkdir $dir/$filename
    tar -xvf $x -C $dir/$filename

rm *.tar






下载好的训练集下的每个文件夹是一类图片,文件夹名对应的标签在下载好的Development kit的标签文件meta.mat中,这是一个matlab文件,可以读取文件内容,验证集下是50000张图片,每张图片对应的标签在ILSVRC2012_validation_ground_truth.txt中。

数据增强:取图片时随机取,然后将图片放缩为短边为256,然后再随机裁剪224x224的图片, 再把每个通道减去相应通道的平均值,随机左右翻转。

CROP-1, CROP-5 and CROP-10 test methods for ImageNet validation set.

Due to the existence of a fully connected layers, we neeed to limit the size of the images in the input network. Set the size of the image input neural network to 224x224, but the size of the image in the test set is not fixed. It is difficult to completely cover the information of the target object in the image by only the center clipping method, so we crop the image at multiple locations.

One-crop of an image is created by cropping one 224 × 224 regions from the center of a 256 × 256 image; Five-crop is five 224 × 224 sized image regions cropped from top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right and center of original image; Ten-crop is horizontally flipping each cropped region base on the results of five-crop.

Use Pytorch,


The project is based on pytorch and integrates the current mainstream network architecture, including VGGnet, ResNet, Densenet, MobileNet and DarkNet (YOLOv2 and YOLOv3).







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