This repository contains the code in PyTorch (PyTorch Lightning) for the master thesis:
Visual Enhancement of Whole Brain Slide Images from Z-Scanning Microscopes with Deep Style Learning
The master thesis presents the Z-Stack Enhancement (ZSE) pipeline, a framework for improving the visual quality and reducing blurring of z-stack brain images from whole slide microscopy scanners. The pipeline consists of two stages: first, we locate the edges and estimate the thickness of brain tissue in z-stacks, then we use the novel AdaIN U-Net, a deep style learning based framework, to deblur and enhance the visual quality of microscopic images. Our deep style learning based method is trained on a large dataset of microscopic images to transfer the style of a selected in-focus reference image to out-of-focus microscopic images, resulting in improved visual appearance and aiding researchers in identifying individual cells and other structures. We also propose two 3D loss functions for z-stacks.
We evaluate performance on two microscopic image datasets: (i) a 2D dataset of Leishmania parasites containing pairs of in-focus and out-of-focus images, and (ii) a super-high-resolution 3D dataset of brain image stacks from scans of brain B21 at Research Center Jülich.
On the Leishmania parasite dataset, our experiments show that the AdaIN U-Net performs comparably to state-of-the-art deblurring methods while requiring fewer trainable parameters and training time than the state-of-the-art Correction of Out-of-focus Microscopic Images (COMI) method. Additionally, our model shows significant improvement in generalization performance on Leishmania parasite images captured with different microscope apparatuses and blur types compared to COMI.
Our experiments on the brain B21 z-stack dataset show that the ZSE pipeline improves the appearance of z-stacks by removing three types of blur we observed in the brain z-stacks: (i) horizontal images that are farther away from the optimal focal plane (the center of the z-stack) becoming increasingly blurry, (ii) horizontal images very close to the top and bottom of the z-stack appear blurriest, due to the scanner not scanning tissue anymore, and (iii) cells cast shadows mostly in vertical direction of the cross-sections. AdaIN U-Net models trained with our 3D loss functions generate realistic z-stacks, while our model trained with the 2D loss function is more accurate in terms of cell structure distribution. The trained AdaIN U-Nets demonstrate excellent generalization capabilities for deblurring and visual enhancement across different brains and cell stainings, and are able to transfer style between modalities.
Blurry source image | Ground truth sharp image | AdaIN U-Net (Gram) | COMI |
The checkpoints of the models used in the thesis can be found at:
- Make sure to deactivate all other virtual environments, e.g. run
conda deactivate
- Setup and activate dl environment:
conda env create -f environment/environment.yml
- To activate the environment run
conda activate dl
- To deactivate the environment run
Checkout environment/
for more info (e.g. on how to create a Jupyter kernel).
Before using the project, one needs to install the package:
pip install -e .
Example of training the AdaIN U-Net on the Leishmania dataset. To run the training pipeline, simply run:
python scripts/ experiment=leishmania_adain_unet
Or, if you want to submit the training job to a cluster node via slurm, run:
sbatch scripts/train_leishmania_adain_unet.sbatch
- The experiments, evaluations, etc., are stored under the
directory.- The default experiments tracking system is tensorboard. The
directory is contained inlogs
. To view a user friendly view of the experiments, run:# make sure you are inside logs (where mlruns is located) tensorboard --logdir logs/tensorboard/
- To access the logs with tensorboard from the JSC filesystem you could either use SSH tunneling or as sshfs mount
- When evaluating (running
), make sure you give the correct checkpoint path inconfigs/test.yaml
Minimal example showing how to use the model on brain dataset:
from import DataLoader
from torchvision import models, transforms
from zse.datamodules.components.brain_datasets import ZStackDataset3D
from zse.models.adain_module import AdaINLitModule2D
from zse.models.components.adain_unet import AdaINUNet
data_test = ZStackDataset3D(f"/p/fastdata/bigbrains/personal/crijnen1/data/bigbrain_1micron/20/test/blurry/*.hdf5", transform=transforms.ToTensor())
loader = DataLoader(data_test, batch_size=1, num_workers=1)
vgg19 = models.vgg19(pretrained=True)
norm = transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
adain_unet_backbone = AdaINUNet(vgg19, norm)
module = AdaINLitModule2D.load_from_checkpoint("models/brain/adain_unet_3ds_best.ckpt", net=adain_unet_backbone)
test_batch = next(iter(loader))
out = module(test_batch)
├── configs <- Hydra configuration files
│ ├── callbacks <- Callbacks configs
│ ├── datamodule <- Datamodule configs
│ ├── debug <- Debugging configs
│ ├── experiment <- Experiment configs
│ ├── hparams_search <- Hyperparameter search configs
│ ├── local <- Local configs
│ ├── log_dir <- Logging directory configs
│ ├── logger <- Logger configs
│ ├── model <- Model configs
│ ├── trainer <- Trainer configs
│ │
│ ├── test.yaml <- Main config for testing
│ └── train.yaml <- Main config for training
├── data <- Project data
├── docs <- Directory for Sphinx documentation in rst or md
├── environment <- Computing environment
│ └── environment.yml <- Conda environment file
├── logs
│ ├── experiments <- Logs from experiments
│ ├── slurm <- Slurm outputs and errors
│ └── tensorboard <- Training monitoring logs
├── models <- Trained and serialized models, model predictions
├── notebooks <- Jupyter notebooks containing all experiments conducted in the thesis
├── reports <- Generated figures for the thesis
├── scripts <- Scripts used in project
│ ├── <- Run testing
│ └── <- Run training
├── src/zse <- Source code
│ ├── datamodules <- Lightning datamodules
│ ├── models <- Lightning models
│ ├── style_transfer <- Neural Style Transfer in PyTorch
│ ├── utils <- Utility scripts
│ │
│ ├──
│ └──
├── tests <- Tests of any kind
│ ├── helpers <- A couple of testing utilities
│ ├── shell <- Shell/command based tests
│ └── unit <- Unit tests
├── .coveragerc <- Configuration for coverage reports of unit tests.
├── .gitignore <- List of files/folders ignored by git
├── .pre-commit-config.yaml <- Configuration of pre-commit hooks for code formatting
├── setup.cfg <- Configuration of linters and pytest
├── LICENSE.txt <- License as chosen on the command-line
├── pyproject.toml <- Build configuration. Don't change! Use `pip install -e .`
│ to install for development or to build `tox -e build`
├── setup.cfg <- Declarative configuration of your project.
├── <- [DEPRECATED] Use `python develop` to install for
│ development or `python bdist_wheel` to build