Releases: cctbx/cctbx_project
Releases · cctbx/cctbx_project
- Add peak search to map manager
- Add water renumbering to pdbtools
- Update FSC calculation to use different binning
- Add more searches for RCSB search API
- CCTBXParser: --diff-params flag can proceed with non-local files
- DataManager: fix bug where the default type for Miller arrays may not update correctly
- Improvements to probe2
- Fix bug where the scattering table was not kept after selecting in xray_structure
- Update for changes in RCSB web API
- Added consistency checks for map_model_manager
- Added tool for finding reference models based on sequence identity
- Added generalized interface for LBFGS minimizer
- Improved adding of hydrogens near links in Reduce2
- Added support for Python 3.13
- Improved tools for alternate conformations
- Added option to download maps from the EMDB to iotbx.fetch_pdb
- Fix random selection of atoms to consistently select the same number of atoms
- Added general minimizer class for LBFGS and LBFGS-B minimizers
- Enabled linking of modified amino acids for cyclic peptides
- Added functions for parsing .geo files
- Speed improvements to pdb_interpretation
- DataManager: add sanity check for specified resolution limits
- Speed improvements in NCS search and process non-bonded links
- DataManager: add scoring layer to filter arrays for fmodel
- Update pdbtools to use target_output_format
- Update known residue codes
- Update CCTBXParser to show diff of DataManager scope with --diff-params
- Added water picking with alternate conformations
- Removed more unused or not maintained tools in iotbx and mmtbx
- Added check for NaN in ccp4/mrc maps