Continuous Delivery is a goal for many organizations. Research shows that implementing continuous delivery practices boosts organizational performance as well as strengthens organization culture. Nevertheless, today every organization that wants to achieve that is forced to go through the same cycle of trial and error and expensive learning before they can reach that goal. What makes this especially painful is the fact that many of the lessons that organizations end up learning were lessons that others had already learned before. For example lessons such as:
- What are good strategies for reducing blast radius of software changes?
- How can canaries help increase confidence in the delivery workflow?
Full SIG Proposal:
- Mauricio Salatino (@salaboy), Camunda
- Christie Wilson (@bobcatfish), Google
- Tara Hernandez (@tequilarista), MongoDB
- Tracy Miranda (@tracymiranda), Chainguard
- Terry Cox (@tdcox), Bootstrap
SIG Best Practices is a CDF Special Interest Group.
The process SIG Best Practices follows can be seen from here.
Chairs of the SIG are
- Tara Hernandez (@tequilarista), Google - Co-chair
- Terry Cox (@tdcox), Bootstrap - Co-chair
SIG Best Practices communication happens via a public mailing list and everyone is welcome to join our open discussions.
SIG Best Practices also uses Slack for additional collaboration opportunities.
- Maillist:
- Slack Channel: #sig-bestpractices on CDF Slack
SIG Best Practices meets every other Weds (see Calendar below for next meeting)