This note contains some recipes for creating and configuring LXC containers.
Todo esto está disponible para consultar y clonar en github/ceblan/howtoLXC
We split the DEBIAN-12 set up in three stages, each one with its own ansible playbook:
Below re the tasks as well as some tips about how to provision a DEBIAN-12 using LXC
How to create a LXC debian bookworm container in debian:
To create an LXC Debian Bookworm container in Debian, follow these steps:
Install LXC (if not already installed):
sudo apt update sudo apt install lxc
Create a directory for your container:
sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/lxc/DEBIAN-12
Create the container:
sudo lxc-create --name DEBIAN-12 --template download -- --dist debian --release bookworm --arch amd64
Start the container:
sudo lxc-start -n DEBIAN-12
Access the container’s shell:
sudo lxc-attach -n DEBIAN-12
You now have a running Debian Bookworm container!
How to delete or remove a LXC container:
To delete or remove an LXC container, follow these steps:
Stop the container (if it is running):
sudo lxc-stop -n DEBIAN-12
Delete the container:
sudo lxc-destroy -n DEBIAN-12
After these commands, the
LXC container will be removed from your system. -
How to make the container to get same ip address every start:
To assign a static IP address to your LXC container, you can follow these steps:
Stop DEBIAN-12 container
Uncomment the line "LXCDHCPCONFILE=/etc/dnsmasq.conf"
as root in the server machine do
echo "dhcp-host=mycontainer," >>/etc/lxc/dnsmasq.conf ln -s /etc/lxc/dnsmasq.conf /etc/dnsmasq.conf
restart lxc-net.service
systemctl status lxc-net.service
How to list all available containers and its status:
To list all available LXC containers along with their status, use the following command:
sudo lxc-ls -f
This command will display a table with details about each container, including its name, state (running, stopped), and other relevant information like IP addresses.
How to tar a container to share it to other machine
Stop the container
sudo lxc-stop -n DEBIAN-12
Tar the container directory
cd /var/lib/lxc tar --numeric-owner -cvjf DEBIAN-12-1_fs.tar.bz2 DEBIAN-12-1
How to untar shared container
Tar the container directory
cd /var/lib/lxc tar --numeric-owner -xvjf DEBIAN-12-1_fs.tar.bz2
How to copy/clone a container
Stop the container
sudo lxc-stop -n DEBIAN-12
copy container DEBIAN-12 a DEBIAN-12-copy
sudo lxc-copy -n DEBIAN-12 -N DEBIAN-12-copy
Ansible playbook that performs all previous task on host your host.
Below there is an Ansible playbook that sets up the DEBIAN-12 container (lxc) on your host performing all the tasks you've outlined:
--- - name: Set up LXC container for a DEBIAN-12 hosts: localhost # here should be tsc-host-1 instead become: yes vars_files: - vars.yml #vars: # DEST: DEBIAN-12 # remove this line if "--extra-vars "DEST=DEBIAN-12" is passed when calling ansible-playbook tasks: - name: Install LXC apt: name: lxc state: present update_cache: yes - name: Uncomment LXC_DHCP_CONFILE in dnsmasq.conf lineinfile: path: /etc/default/lxc-net regexp: '^#LXC_DHCP_CONFILE' line: 'LXC_DHCP_CONFILE=/etc/dnsmasq.conf' - name: Ensure the directory for SSH keys exists file: path: "{{ playbook_dir }}/files/ssh-keys/{{ DEST }}" state: directory - name: Check if keys exist shell: "find {{ playbook_dir }}/files/ssh-keys/{{ DEST }} -name '*key*' | wc -l" register: ssh_keys_exists changed_when: false - debug: msg: "Number of keys found: {{ ssh_keys_exists.stdout }}" - name: Generate SSH host keys command: ssh-keygen -t {{ item }} -N "" -f {{ playbook_dir }}/files/ssh-keys/{{ DEST }}/ssh_host_{{ item }}_key with_items: - rsa - ecdsa - ed25519 when: ssh_keys_exists.stdout | trim | int != 6 - name: Change {{ playbook_dir }}/files/ssh-keys/{{ DEST }} owner to {{ ansible_env.USER }} shell: "chown {{ ansible_env.USER }}:{{ ansible_env.USER }} {{ playbook_dir }}/files/ssh-keys/{{ DEST }}/*" register: ssh_key_files - name: Change keys permissions before copy shell: "chmod 644 {{ playbook_dir }}/files/ssh-keys/{{ DEST }}/*" register: ssh_key_files - name: Ensure the directory for SSH shared keys exists file: path: "{{ playbook_dir }}/files/ssh-keys/shared" state: directory - name: Check if shared keys exist shell: "find {{ playbook_dir }}/files/ssh-keys/shared/ -name 'id_rsa_lxc*' | wc -l" register: ssh_shared_keys_exists changed_when: false - debug: msg: "Number of shared keys found: {{ ssh_shared_keys_exists.stdout }}" - name: Generate SSH shared keys command: ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -f {{ playbook_dir }}/files/ssh-keys/shared/id_rsa_lxc when: ssh_shared_keys_exists.stdout | trim | int != 2 - name: Change keys permissions before copy shell: "chmod 644 {{ playbook_dir }}/files/ssh-keys/shared/*" register: ssh_key_files - name: Check if {{ DEST }} container exists command: lxc-ls | grep {{ DEST }} register: container_exists ignore_errors: yes # - name: Output inventory sources # debug: # var: hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_inventory_sources'] # - name: Output container_exists # debug: # var: container_exists - name: Check if {{ DEST }} container exists command: lxc-ls --fancy register: lxc_list - name: Check if {{ DEST }} container is running command: lxc-ls --running | grep {{ DEST }} register: container_status ignore_errors: yes when: container_exists.rc == 0 # - name: Output value of container_status # debug: # var: container_status - name: Stop {{ DEST }} container if it is running command: lxc-stop -n {{ DEST }} ignore_errors: yes when: container_status.stdout != "" and DEST in container_status.stdout_lines - name: Destroy {{ DEST }} container if it exists command: lxc-destroy -n {{ DEST }} when: DEST in container_exists.stdout - name: Create directory for {{ DEST }} container file: path: /var/lib/lxc/{{ DEST }} state: directory - name: Check if {{ DEST }} container exists command: lxc-ls --fancy register: lxc_list - name: Create LXC container {{ DEST }} if it does not exist command: lxc-create --name {{ DEST }} --template download -- --dist debian --release bookworm --arch amd64 when: "DEST not in lxc_list.stdout" - name: Get IP for {{ DEST }} from inventory shell: "grep {{ DEST }}.*ansible_hosts {{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_inventory_sources'][0] }} | awk -F'=' '{print $2}'" register: tsc_ip_output - name: Print the IP of {{ DEST }} debug: msg: "IP of {{ DEST }}: {{ tsc_ip_output.stdout }}" - name: Remove static DHCP entries for {{ tsc_ip_output.stdout }} in dnsmasq.conf lineinfile: path: /etc/lxc/dnsmasq.conf state: absent regexp: '^dhcp-host=.*{{ tsc_ip_output.stdout }}.*' - name: Set static DHCP for {{ DEST }} in dnsmasq.conf lineinfile: path: /etc/lxc/dnsmasq.conf line: "dhcp-host={{ DEST }},{{ tsc_ip_output.stdout }}" - name: Create symlink for dnsmasq.conf file: src: /etc/lxc/dnsmasq.conf dest: /etc/dnsmasq.conf state: link - name: Remove lines containing {{ DEST }} from dnsmasq leases file command: sed -i '/{{ DEST }}/d' /var/lib/misc/dnsmasq.lxcbr0.leases - name: Restart lxc-net service systemd: name: lxc-net state: restarted - name: Start LXC container {{ DEST }} command: lxc-start -n {{ DEST }} when: "DEST not in lxc_list.stdout" - name: Check if {{ DEST }} container is running command: lxc-info -n {{ DEST }} -s register: container_status ignore_errors: true - name: Install OpenSSH server in {{ DEST }} command: lxc-attach -n {{ DEST }} -- apt-get install -y openssh-server when: container_status.rc == 0 - name: Install Python3 in {{ DEST }} command: lxc-attach -n {{ DEST }} -- apt-get install -y python3 python-apt-common when: container_status.rc == 0 # - name: Copy SSH host keys to {{ DEST }} # command: lxc-file push {{ playbook_dir }}/files/ssh-keys/{{ DEST }}/* {{ DEST }}/etc/ssh/ # when: container_status.rc == 0 - name: Get list of SSH host keys shell: "find {{ playbook_dir }}/files/ssh-keys/{{ DEST }} -name '*key*'" register: ssh_key_files - name: Copy SSH host keys to /var/lib/lxc/{{ DEST }}/rootfs/etc/ssh/ copy: src: "{{ item }}" dest: "/var/lib/lxc/{{ DEST }}/rootfs/etc/ssh/" owner: root group: root mode: '0600' with_items: "{{ ssh_key_files.stdout_lines }}" - name: Change public keys permissions after copy shell: "chmod 644 /var/lib/lxc/{{ DEST }}/rootfs/etc/ssh/*pub" - name: Restart SSH service in {{ DEST }} command: lxc-attach -n {{ DEST }} -- /etc/init.d/ssh restart - name: Set root password for {{ DEST }} command: lxc-attach -n {{ DEST }} -- sh -c "echo 'root:finiquito' | chpasswd" - name: Create user {{ tsc_username }} command: lxc-attach -n {{ DEST }} -- adduser --disabled-password --gecos "" --uid 1001 {{ tsc_username }} - name: Create user {{ tsc_username }} with password command: lxc-attach -n {{ DEST }} -- sh -c "echo '{{ tsc_username }}:{{ tsc_username }}' | chpasswd" - name: Add user {{ tsc_username }} to the sudo group command: lxc-attach -n {{ DEST }} -- usermod -aG sudo {{ tsc_username }} - name: Allow members of the sudo group to run sudo without a password become: yes become_method: sudo lineinfile: path: "/var/lib/lxc/{{ DEST }}/rootfs/etc/sudoers" regexp: '^%sudo' line: '%sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' - name: Restart sudo command: lxc-attach -n {{ DEST }} -- /etc/init.d/sudo restart - name: Create dir /home/{{ tsc_username }}/.ssh command: lxc-attach -n {{ DEST }} -- sh -c "mkdir -p /home/{{ tsc_username }}/.ssh; chown -R {{ tsc_username }}:{{ tsc_username }} /home/{{ tsc_username }}/.ssh" - name: Get list of SSH shared keys shell: "find {{ playbook_dir }}/files/ssh-keys/shared -name 'id_rsa_lxc*'" register: ssh_shared_keys_files - name: Copy SSH shared keys to /var/lib/lxc/{{ DEST }}/rootfs/home/{{ tsc_username }}/.ssh/ copy: src: "{{ item }}" dest: "/var/lib/lxc/{{ DEST }}/rootfs/home/{{ tsc_username }}/.ssh/" owner: root group: root mode: '0600' with_items: "{{ ssh_shared_keys_files.stdout_lines }}" - name: Change public keys permissions after copy shell: "chmod 644 /var/lib/lxc/{{ DEST }}/rootfs/home/{{ tsc_username }}/.ssh/*pub" - name: Generate authorized_keys command: lxc-attach -n {{ DEST }} -- sh -c "cat /home/{{ tsc_username }}/.ssh/ > /home/{{ tsc_username }}/.ssh/authorized_keys; chmod 600 /home/{{ tsc_username }}/.ssh/authorized_keys" - name: Create dir /home/concesion/.ssh command: lxc-attach -n {{ DEST }} -- sh -c "chown -R {{ tsc_username }}:{{ tsc_username }} /home/{{ tsc_username }}/.ssh" - name: Install packages (batch 1) command: lxc-attach -n {{ DEST }} -- sh -c "apt-get install -y {{ item }}" loop: - wget - curl - name: Remove sources.list file from {{ DEST }} command: lxc-attach -n {{ DEST }} -- rm -f /etc/apt/sources.list - name: Set sources lists command: lxc-attach -n {{ DEST }} -- sh -c "echo {{ item }} >> /etc/apt/sources.list" loop: - "# generated by ansible" - "deb bookworm main contrib non-free-firmware" - "deb-src bookworm main contrib non-free-firmware" - "deb bookworm-security main contrib non-free-firmware" - "deb-src bookworm-security main contrib non-free-firmware" - "deb bookworm-updates main contrib non-free-firmware" - "deb-src bookworm-updates main contrib non-free-firmware" - "deb [arch=amd64,i386] bookworm main non-free" - name: Get keys for command: lxc-attach -n {{ DEST }} -- sh -c "wget; dpkg -i deb-multimedia-keyring_2016.8.1_all.deb" - name: Update sources command: lxc-attach -n {{ DEST }} -- sh -c "apt-get update" - name: List all LXC containers command: lxc-ls -f register: lxc_list_final - name: Display all LXC containers debug: var: lxc_list_final.stdout_lines
Clonar el repositorio con la configuración de ansible
# this file is ansible.cfg in the root of the project git clone cd Howto-LXC
Ensure you have =ansible
installed and configured on your control machine. It's recommended to have ssh keys to access the hosts and guests.# this file is ansible.cfg in the root of the project [defaults] inventory = hosts private_key_file = ~/.ssh/id_rsa_lxc # create thix key for the project remote_user = concesion
Ensure you create a directory ssh-keys with with the host-keys and the shared-keys to avoid ssh problems when container is regenerated
# this file is ansible.cfg in the root of the project sudo mkdir -p ssh-keys/DEBIAN-12-0 sudo cp /etc/ssh/ssh_host* ssh-keys/DEBIAN-12-0 sudo mkdir -p ssh-keys/shared ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -f ./ssh-keys/shared/id_rsa_lxc
Adjust your inventory file to include your host instead of localhost
# this file is inventory.ini in the root of the project [lxc_hosts] localhost ansible_host= tpcc-host-1 ansible_host= [lxc_guests] DEBIAN-12-0 ansible_hosts= DEBIAN-12-0 ansible_user=concesion DEBIAN-12 ansible_hosts= DEBIAN-12 ansible_user=concesion DEBIAN-12-2 ansible_hosts= DEBIAN-12-2 ansible_user=concesion
Run the playbook with:
cd ansible ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini tasks/create-lxc-DEBIAN-12.yml --extra-vars "DEST=DEBIAN-12-0"
Various packages
Instalation of Package requirements
--- - name: Set up DEBIAN-12 packages hosts: all # here should be tsc-host-1 instead become_method: sudo become: true #vars_prompt: #- name: "ansible_become_pass" #prompt: "Enter your sudo password in remote server" #private: yes tasks: # - name: apt update # become: yes # command: apt update - name: avoid tshark config to block installation #esto es para que no pregunte lo del setuid y se bloquee become: yes shell: echo "wireshark-common wireshark-common/install-setuid boolean true" | sudo debconf-set-selections - name: Set APT to not install recommended packages copy: dest: /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01norecommend content: | APT::Install-Recommends "0"; APT::Install-Suggests "0"; - name: Update APT package index apt: update_cache: yes - name: Install required packages become: yes become_method: sudo apt: name: - vim - munin - munin-node - psmisc - daemon - acl - rsyslog-relp - net-tools - htop - socat - python3-pip state: present install_recommends: no
Run the playbook with:
cd ansible ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini tasks/install-packages-DEBIAN-12.yml -l DEBIAN-12-0