Upgrade Java dependencies that are using Maven in bulk using different strategies and commit them.
- Node >= 14
Fill and rename config.example.json to config.json, navigate to the project and execute the script using node <path>/jdu.js
- server: string. Options available: github & bitbucket.
- serverToken: string
- serverOwner: string
- disableSSL: boolean - default to false
- dependencyName: string
- dependencyVersion: string
- repositories: array of objects
- url: string. Example: "yourserver.com/bitbucket/scm/myRepository/main.git"
- originBranch: string
- destinyBranch (Optional): string
- artifactVersion (Optional): string
- tempDirName (Optional): string - default to homedir
- powerShellPath (Only for Windows): string - default to undefined. Example: "C:/Windows/SysWOW64/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0/powershell.exe"
- shellMode (Optional, not recommended): boolean - default to false
- replaceShellTag (Only if artifact version is set and shell mode is true): string - default to undefined. Example: "PROJECT.VERSION"
How to generate a Github token ? https://docs.github.com/es/authentication/keeping-your-account-and-data-secure/creating-a-personal-access-token
How to generate a Bitbucket token ? https://confluence.atlassian.com/bitbucketserver/http-access-tokens-939515499.html
How to use the artifact version ? WIP
What is shell mode ? WIP