Original author: Geoff Jacobsen
Copyright: 2010-2015 Geoff Jacobsen, Jan Baier and contributors
rails-latex is a renderer for rails, which allows tex files with erb to be turned into an inline pdf.
def lesc(text) LatexToPdf.escape_latex(text) end
... <%= link_to "print", story_path(@story,:format => :pdf) %>
... <%= lesc @story.name % >
\documentclass[12pt,a4paper,sloppy,< %= @landscape % >]{article} ... < %= yield % > \end{document}
... Mime::Type.register "application/pdf", :pdf, ['text/pdf'], ['pdf']
Only the file containing the \documentclass should be of type: .pdf.erbtex . Partials and views (when there is a layout) should be of type .pdf.erb .
If a LaTeX package requires more than one parser run add the following to the .pdf.erbtex file:
<% @latex_config={:parse_runs => 3} %>
You can override the defaults like so:
LatexToPdf.config.merge! :command => 'xetex', :arguments => ['-etex'], :parse_runs => 2
or to change just the arguments:
The defaults are:
command: 'pdflatex' arguments: ['-halt-on-error'] parse_runs: 1
The last log file is moved to tmp/rails-latex/input.log , and the corresponding source TeX file to tmp/rails-latex/input.tex . If the PDF is not produced the build directory is not removed; an archive script should be written to occasionally clean up the tmp/rails-latex directory.
See the rails application under examples/rails-latex-demo/ for a working example.
If you need to generate the LaTeX document as a string you can use the render_to_string
method. You will probably need to pass the :layout => true
option to invoke the PDF generator. Here is an example to generate an email attachment:
In the controller you will have something along the lines of:
def send_email_method output = render_to_string(:template => "/your_model/your_view.pdf.erb", :layout => true) MyMailer.email_sender(current_user, output).deliver end
The thing to note is the :layout => true which is needed so that the pdf template can grab the application erbtex layout. Then in your mailer:
def email_sender(user, pdf_attachment) @user = user attachments["attachment_name.pdf"] = {:mime_type => 'application/pdf', :content => pdf_attachment} mail( .... ) end
When LaTeX render fails, RailsLatex::ProcessingError
is thrown. In your code, you can catch it and react according to your needs. To make your life easier, TeX source and log are attached to the exception as instance variables src
and log
ruby 1.8 or 1.9
rails 3 or later
gem install rails-latex
Developing rails-latex requires bundler and RedCloth
rake test
rake build
Geoff Jacobsen
Tommaso Patrizi
Klaus Reske
Jan Baier
Jakub Cerny