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The purpose of this repository is to enhance the ease with which a developer can debug and resolve issues in the beta environment.

The approach used in this repository is to start up port-forwarding for all of a given service's dependencies (excepting databases, redis caches, etc...)

Using the composeForward allows you to provide a docker-compose file, from which applications will be sourced and all the data needed to start port-forwarding collected.


  1. Install kubectl

In order for this to work, you must have a valid ~/.kube/config file. If you do not have one yet, you can create one like so:

aws eks update-kubeconfig --name {cluster-name} --profile {aws-profile} --region {aws-region}

Using prebuilt binaries

  1. Head over to the Releases section of this repository and download the latest version compatible with your machine.
  2. Add the downloaded binary to your $PATH variable.

Note: If you are using Windows, make sure you run everything from within Git Bash.

Bonus: automatic completion (composeForward only)

Because remembering the exact names of every file in your docker-compose file is a pain, there are bash and zsh completion scripts that you can utilize to make interacting with composeForward more enjoyable.

  1. Download the applicable compose_forward_[bash|zsh]_completer file.
  2. In your relevant .rc file (e.g. .zshrc or .bashrc), add the following line: source path/to/your/completer
  3. Open a new bash or zsh session, type composeForward then hit TAB (in bash hit it twice). You should see auto-completion at work!


composeForward [options] [app-names...]

Supported Options

# Usage: --file path/to/docker-compose.yml
# Required: false
# Description: >
#  Allows the user to specify the path to the docker-compose file that should be used.
#  If this flag is not provided, the docker-compose.yml file within the executable's directory is used.

# Usage: --list
# Required: false
# Description: >
#   If the --list or -l flag is provided, no port-forwarding will occur, but an alphabetized list of available services/apps to use will be printed.

# Usage: --omit app-dependency-name
# Required: false
# Description: >
#  port-forwarding is not started for dependencies of app(s) with the provided omit name(s).
#  The flag may be provided multiple times to omit multiple dependencies, like so:
#  -o dep-1 -o dep-2 OR -o="dep-1 dep-2"

# Usage: --service some-docker-service
# Required: false
# Description: >
#   Allows the user to provide the names of specific services (as contained in the docker-compose file)
#   for which to start port-forwarding.
#   The flag may be provided multiple times to omit multiple dependencies, like so:
#  -s svc-1 -o svc-2 OR -s="svc-1 svc-2"


Dev Pre-requisites

  1. Install kubectl
  2. Install Go

Dev Setup

See Setup above.