This is the main repository for the Windows version of the command line interface.
I will update this page to include links to ports to various platforms when there are any.
Libusb is necessary to compile the source. The included static libray is based on Libusb v1.0.24. Reference:
There has been an issue with Windows 10 version 1809 and Libusb v.1.0.23 where Libusb failed to get a valid handle and could not access USB devices. For details see If you experience any similar issues please let me know.
Just drop me a message at [email protected]
This CLI will let you configure a few basic settings of a CSR based HID proxy dongle. Nothing fancy, just a few SET FEATURE requests.
This is the default usage statement displayed when no valid argument has been provided. The commands are mostly self-explanatory. I have added explanatory remarks for clarification.
+++ Bluetooth-USB-Bridge / HID Proxy Dongle Command Line Interface +++
Usage: btusbcmd [-option]
-hid2hci (switch from HID proxy to HCI mode)
Toggles the mode of operation. A power cycle is required to reset the module and re-enable HID mode.
-clear pairings
Clears the list of paired devices.
Displays the current version of the CLI.