Week 7 & 8: Find friends to play your favorite games. Tech Talent South group final project. Social board game event planning app.
Link to sign in: https://gamenightinc.herokuapp.com/users/sign_in
Username: [email protected]
Password: userpassword
GameNight was created in October of 2016 to help board game geeks connect and plan game nights at local gamer-friendly locations.
We focused on creating an application that allowed users to add and customize board games, locations and events (game nights!).
- Git
- Sublime
- Ruby 2.3.1
- Rails 5.0.0
- Heroku
- SQLite
- Sass
- JavaScript
- JQuery
- Chantelle Becker - Ruby on Rails Developer
- Doug Watson - Designer, Front-End Developer
- Stephen Dudkowski - Ruby on Rails Developer