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x37v edited this page Jun 1, 2011 · 2 revisions

Here are the things that need to be accomplished for the Android port:

  1. OSC integration... Working but we have both illposed and netutil in there, we should decide on one and ditch the other... I'm thinking netutil is the way to go.

  2. MIDI integration. There is this library for wireless MIDI (not sure what the options are for wired MIDI in Java at this point):

  3. Accelerometer / Compass / Gyro support: iOS Control is not using the PhoneGap plugs for these; maybe it should be? What does HTML 5 support look like for these sensors? Could it all be done in JavaScript without any need for platform specific plugs?

  4. Default interface loading: I think I (Charlie) can get rid of the platform dependent defaults system and just use web storage / lawnchair.

  5. Web styling: Having difficulty managing things like getting rid of scrollbars in Android, or making sure the interfaces are the correct size. Some of this has to do with the way Android handles different density screens, as per the information here:

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