Welcome to the repository designed for general users without needing "Krypton gold."
This repository serves as an experimental platform and should be utilized primarily for educational purposes or non-commercial development.
We thank Bin4ry for their invaluable contributions to the protocol analysis and the Python iteration.
- Only test on go 1 air.
- But it can be extended to other robots.
- Thanks, Bin4ry for the Python version.
- Testing with legged_control Legged_controller(3Q qiayuan)
- Testing wired, Wi-Fi high- and low-level control. especially torque tracking control.
- Without any safety, you can clip with your controller with urdf limits.
- I fixed some bugs in the Python version; it can be used for RL.
- I made it as a ROS pkg; you can delete the ROS-relative things, and then you can use it anywhere you wanna.
- Clone into your ROS ws. And catkin build
- If you used wired, you should set up your IP just like 192.168.123.xxx
- Then catkin build again and
source devel/setup.bash
rosrun fdsc_utils fdsc_utils_pushup_node
(This is most safe motion. If you use wireless with robot please modify connection settings as "LOW_WIFI_DEFAULTS")
- High-level
- robot stand up and down
- rotation walk with trot
- force stand and walk
- Low level
- joint pd control
- joint velocity control
- joint tau control
- joint tau tracking control
L2 + B
L1 + L2 + START
const std::string localIpWifi = ""; // Your PC wifi will give by the DHCP wifi:pwd 00000000
const std::string localIpEth = ""; // Your PC
const std::string addrWifi = ""; // wifi pi
const std::string addrLow = ""; // Nano can't connect
const std::string addrHigh = ""; // Pi wired IP
const std::string sim_addr = ""; // Local