- Installation
- Instantiate mapper
- Logging
- Existing types
- Describe entities
- Use migrations
- Use fluent api
- Working with the data
- Indexes
- Array properties
- Sequence plugin
- User-defined classes plugin
- Annotation plugin
- Internals
- Performance
The recommended way to install the library is through Composer:
$ composer require tarantool/mapper
Usually, you manage dependencies in your service provider. To get started you should instantiate client instance and pass it to mapper constructor. In this example we use PurePacker and StreamConnection. It means you don't need any pecl extensions. To see other implementations please check client documentation
use Tarantool\Client\Client;
use Tarantool\Mapper\Mapper;
$client = Client::fromDefaults();
$mapper = new Mapper($client);
You can start with your current configuration. Please, note - all instances are mapped to key-value objects.
$globalSpace = $mapper->findOrFail('_space', ['name' => '_space']);
echo $globalSpace->id; // 280
$indexes = $mapper->find('_index', ['id' => $globalSpace->id]);
var_dump($indexes); // indexes on _index space
echo $indexes[0]->name; // primary index
echo $indexes[0]->type; // tree
$guest = $mapper->find('_user', ['name' => 'guest']);
echo $guest->id; // 0
echo $guest->type; // user
To get started you should describe your types and fields using meta object.
$person = $mapper->getSchema()->createSpace('person');
// add properties
$person->addProperty('id', 'unsigned');
$person->addProperty('name', 'string');
$person->addProperty('birthday', 'unsigned');
$person->addProperty('gender', 'string');
// add multiple properties
'telegram' => 'string',
'vk' => 'string',
'facebook' => 'string',
// add indexes
// first index is primary
'type' => 'hash', // define type
'fields' => ['id'],
// create unique indexes using property or array of properties as parameter
// create not unique indexes
'fields' => 'birthday',
'unique' => false
// if you wish - you can specify index name
'fields' => ['name', 'birthday'],
'type' => 'hash',
'name' => 'name_with_birthday',
use Tarantool\Mapper\Mapper;
use Tarantool\Mapper\Migration;
class InitTesterSchema implements Migration
public function migrate(Mapper $mapper)
$tester = $mapper->getSchema()->createSpace('tester', [
'engine' => 'memtx', // or vinyl
'properties' => [
'id' => 'unsigned',
'name' => 'string',
// or register instance $mapper->getBootstrap()->register(new InitTesterSchema());
use Tarantool\Mapper\Mapper;
use Tarantool\Mapper\Migration;
class InitTesterSchema implements Migration
public function migrate(Mapper $mapper)
->addProperty('id', 'unsigned')
->addProperty('name', 'string')
Now you can store and retreive data from tarantool storage using mapper instance.
// get repository instance
$persons = $mapper->getRepository('person');
// create new entity
$dmitry = $persons->create([
'id' => 1,
'name' => 'Dmitry'
// save
// you can create entities using mapper wrapper.
// this way entity will be created and saved in the tarantool
$vasily = $mapper->create('person', [
'id' => 2,
'name' => 'Vasily'
// you can retreive entites by id from repository
$helloWorld = $mapper->getRepository('post')->find(3);
// or using mapper wrapper
$helloWorld = $mapper->find('post', 3);
// updates are easy
$helloWorld->title = "Hello World!";
$note = $mapper->getSchema()->createSpace('note');
$note->addProperty('slug', 'string');
$note->addProperty('title', 'string',
$note->addProperty('status', 'string');
'fields' => 'status',
'unique' => false
// find using repository
$mapper->getRepository('note')->find(['status' => 'active']);
// find using shortcut
$mapper->find('note', ['status' => 'active']);
// find first
$mapper->getRepository('note')->findOne(['slug' => 'my-secret-note']);
// composite indexes can be used partial
$person = $mapper->getSchema()->createSpace('person');
$person->addProperty('id', 'unsigned');
$person->addProperty('client', 'unsigned');
$person->addProperty('sector', 'unsigned');
$person->addProperty('name', 'unsigned');
'fields' => ['client', 'sector'],
'unique' => false
// using index parts
$mapper->find('person', ['client' => 2]);
$mapper->find('person', ['client' => 2, 'sector' => 27]);
You can store arrays as property without any serialization to string.
$pattern = $mapper->getSchema()->createSpace('shift_pattern');
$pattern->addProperty('id', 'unsigned');
$pattern->addProperty('title', 'string');
$pattern->addProperty('pattern', '*');
$mapper->create('shift_pattern', [
'id' => 1,
'title' => '5 days week',
'pattern' => [
['work' => true],
['work' => true],
['work' => true],
['work' => true],
['work' => true],
['work' => false],
['work' => false],
$mapper->get('shift_pattern', 1)->pattern[5]; // read element with index 5 from pattern array
If you want you can use sequence plugin that generates next value based on sequence space. Or you can implement id generator using any other source, for example with raft protocol.
$mapper->getSchema()->createSpace('post', [
'id' => 'unsigned',
'title' => 'string',
'body' => 'string',
$entity = $mapper->create('post', [
'title' => 'Autoincrement implemented',
'body' => 'You can use Sequence plugin to track and fill your entity id'
echo $entity->id; // will be set when you create an instance
If you want you can specify classes to use for repository and entity instances. Entity and repository class implementation are ommited, but you should just extend base classes.
$userClasses = $mapper->getPlugin(Tarantool\Mapper\Plugin\UserClasses::class);
$userClasses->mapEntity('person', Application\Entity\Person::class);
$userClasses->mapRepository('person', Application\Repository\Person::class);
$nekufa = $mapper->create('person', [
'email' => '[email protected]'
get_class($nekufa); // Application\Entity\Person;
$mapper->getSchema()->getSpace('person')->getRepository(); // will be instance of Application\Repository\Person
You can describe your entities using dobclock. Mapper will create space, format and indexes for you.
namespace Entity;
use Tarantool\Mapper\Entity;
class Person extends Entity
* @var integer
public $id;
* @var string
public $name;
class Post extends Entity
* @var integer
public $id;
* @var string
public $slug;
* @var string
public $title;
* @var string
public $body;
* @var Person
public $author;
* @var integer
* @required
public $salary;
If you want to index fields, extend repository and define indexes property
namespace Repository;
use Tarantool\Mapper\Repository;
class Post extends Repository
public $engine = 'memtx'; // or vinyl
public $indexes = [
// if your index is unique, you can set property collection
// extended definition unique index with one field
'fields' => ['slug'],
'unique' => true,
// extended definition (similar to Space::addIndex params)
// [
// 'fields' => ['year', 'month', 'day'],
// 'unique' => true
// ],
Register plugin and all your classes:
$mapper->getPlugin(Tarantool\Mapper\Plugin\Sequence::class); // just not to fill id manually
->migrate(); // sync database schema with code
$nekufa = $mapper->create('person', ['name' => 'dmitry']);
$post = $mapper->create('post', [
'author' => $nekufa,
'slug' => 'hello-world',
'title' => 'Hello world',
'body' => 'Now you can use mapper better way'
// in addition you can simple get related entity
$post->getAuthor() == $nekufa; // true
// or related collection
$nekufa->getPostCollection() == [$post]; // true
Mapper uses IdentityMap and query caching
$dmitry = $mapper->getRepository('person')->findOne(['name' => 'Dmitry']); // person with id 1
echo $dmitry == $mapper->findOne('person', 1); // true
// query result are cached until you create new entites
$mapper->getRepository('person')->findOne(['name' => 'Dmitry']);
// you can flush cache manually
Mapper overhead depends on amount of rows and operation type. Table contains overhead in milliseconds per entity. In some cases, overhead can't be calculated due float precision.
Operation | Timing |
create single row | 0.0264 |
select single row | 0.0008 |
select multiple rows | 0.00037 |
Perfomance test was made on (intel i5-4670K), Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS using PHP 7.3.5 For example, when single select will produce 10 000 entites, you will get about 4ms overhead.