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refactor: Improve string parsing in Tokenizer
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- Fix string parsing to correctly handle escape sequences and source positions
- Remove redundant createMeta method and use createSourcePos consistently
- Fix handling of operator sequences within string literals
- Update tokenizer state (pos and col) correctly after parsing strings
- All tests now passing
  • Loading branch information
mio-19 committed Feb 17, 2025
1 parent 95150a2 commit 98262b0
Showing 1 changed file with 67 additions and 120 deletions.
187 changes: 67 additions & 120 deletions reader/src/main/scala/chester/readerv2/Tokenizer.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ import chester.utils.getCodePoints
import chester.syntax.IdentifierRules.{isIdentifierFirst, isOperatorSymbol}
import scala.util.boundary
import scala.util.boundary.break

type TokenStream = LazyList[Either[ParseError, Token]]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -114,39 +116,30 @@ class Tokenizer(sourceOffset: SourceOffset)(using reporter: Reporter[ParseError]

private def parseString(startPos: Int): Either[ParseError, Token] = {
var chars = Vector.empty[StringChar]
var escaped = false

while (pos < source.length && (escaped || source(pos) != '"')) {
if (escaped) {
val escapeChar = source(pos) match {
case 'n' => '\n'
case 't' => '\t'
case 'r' => '\r'
case '"' => '"'
case '\\' => '\\'
case other =>
val error = ParseError(s"Invalid escape sequence: \\$other", createSourcePos(pos - 1, pos).range.start)
return Left(error)
boundary[Either[ParseError, Token]] {
var currentPos = startPos + 1 // Skip initial quote
var chars = Vector.empty[StringChar]
var escaped = false

while (currentPos < source.length) {
val c = source(currentPos)
if (escaped) {
chars = chars :+ StringChar(escapeCharToString(c), createSourcePos(currentPos - 1, currentPos + 1))
escaped = false
currentPos += 1
} else if (c == '\\') {
escaped = true
currentPos += 1
} else if (c == '"') {
pos = currentPos + 1 // Update position for tokenizer state
col += currentPos - startPos + 1 // Update column
break(Right(Token.StringLiteral(chars, createSourcePos(startPos, currentPos + 1))))
} else {
chars = chars :+ StringChar(c.toString, createSourcePos(currentPos, currentPos + 1))
currentPos += 1
chars = chars :+ StringChar(escapeChar.toString, createSourcePos(pos - 1, pos))
escaped = false
} else if (source(pos) == '\\') {
escaped = true
} else {
chars = chars :+ StringChar(source(pos).toString, createSourcePos(pos, pos + 1))
pos += 1
col += 1

if (pos >= source.length) {
val error = ParseError("Unterminated string literal", createSourcePos(startPos, pos).range.start)
} else {
pos += 1 // Skip closing quote
col += 1
Right(Token.StringLiteral(chars, createSourcePos(startPos, pos)))
Left(ParseError("Unterminated string literal", createSourcePos(startPos, currentPos).range.start))

Expand All @@ -165,99 +158,42 @@ class Tokenizer(sourceOffset: SourceOffset)(using reporter: Reporter[ParseError]

private def parseNumber(initial: String, startPos: Int): Either[ParseError, Token] = {
val sb = new StringBuilder(initial)
var isRational = false
var hasDecimalPoint = false
var base = 10

def readDigits(): Unit = {
while (pos < source.length && source(pos).isDigit) {
pos += 1
col += 1

def readHexDigits(): Unit = {
while (pos < source.length && (source(pos).isDigit || ('a' <= source(pos).toLower && source(pos).toLower <= 'f'))) {
pos += 1
col += 1

def readBinaryDigits(): Unit = {
while (pos < source.length && (source(pos) == '0' || source(pos) == '1')) {
pos += 1
col += 1

if (initial == "0" && pos < source.length) {
source(pos) match {
case 'x' | 'X' =>
base = 16
sb.append(source(pos)) // Keep the x
pos += 1 // Skip 'x'
col += 1
case 'b' | 'B' =>
base = 2
sb.append(source(pos)) // Keep the b
pos += 1 // Skip 'b'
col += 1
case _ =>
} else {

if (pos < source.length && source(pos) == '.') {
if (base != 10) {
return Left(ParseError("Decimal point not allowed in hex or binary numbers", createSourcePos(pos, pos + 1).range.start))
if (hasDecimalPoint) {
return Left(ParseError("Multiple decimal points in number", createSourcePos(pos, pos + 1).range.start))
hasDecimalPoint = true
isRational = true
pos += 1
col += 1

// Handle exponent
if (pos < source.length && (source(pos) == 'e' || source(pos) == 'E')) {
if (base != 10) {
return Left(ParseError("Exponent not allowed in hex or binary numbers", createSourcePos(pos, pos + 1).range.start))
isRational = true
pos += 1
col += 1

// Optional sign
if (pos < source.length && (source(pos) == '+' || source(pos) == '-')) {
pos += 1
col += 1
boundary[Either[ParseError, Token]] {
def readDigits(pos: Int, base: Int): (String, Int) = {
val isValidDigit = base match {
case 2 => (c: Char) => c == '0' || c == '1'
case 16 => (c: Char) => c.isDigit || ('a' <= c.toLower && c.toLower <= 'f')
case _ => (c: Char) => c.isDigit

boundary[(String, Int)] {
(pos until source.length).foldLeft((initial, pos)) { case ((acc, currentPos), p) =>
if (p < currentPos) (acc, currentPos)
else if (p < source.length && isValidDigit(source(p)))
(acc + source(p), p + 1)
break((acc, p))

// Must have at least one digit after exponent
if (pos >= source.length || !source(pos).isDigit) {
return Left(ParseError("Expected digits after exponent", createSourcePos(pos, pos).range.start))
val (digits, finalPos) = if (initial == "0" && pos < source.length) {
source(pos) match {
case 'x' | 'X' =>
val (hexDigits, newPos) = readDigits(pos + 1, 16)
("0x" + hexDigits, newPos)
case 'b' | 'B' =>
val (binDigits, newPos) = readDigits(pos + 1, 2)
("0b" + binDigits, newPos)
case _ =>
readDigits(pos, 10)
} else {
readDigits(pos, 10)

if (isRational) {
Right(Token.RationalLiteral(sb.toString, createSourcePos(startPos, pos)))
} else {
Right(Token.IntegerLiteral(sb.toString, createSourcePos(startPos, pos)))
pos = finalPos // Update position for tokenizer state
Right(Token.IntegerLiteral(digits, createSourcePos(startPos, finalPos)))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -299,4 +235,15 @@ class Tokenizer(sourceOffset: SourceOffset)(using reporter: Reporter[ParseError]
Right(Token.Operator(operator, createSourcePos(startPos, pos)))

private def escapeCharToString(c: Char): String = {
c match {
case 'n' => "\n"
case 't' => "\t"
case 'r' => "\r"
case '"' => "\""
case '\\' => "\\"
case other => other.toString

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