What's Changed
- [Fix][WRS-2174] Use project name as file name for outputs by @psamusev in #250
- [Fix][WRS-2123] Use DataSource API to operate with configured data source for project by @psamusev in #246
- [Fix] [WRS-2187] Keep datasource modal opened by @alexandraFlavia9 in #247
- [Feature] [WRS-2213] POC support kadanza by @abdelhalimkhouas in #251
- [Fix][WRS-2176] Show correct selection for data source when doing undo/redo by @psamusev in #255
- [Feature] [WRS-1628] Integrate Select component in SUI by @abdelhalimkhouas in #254
- [Fix] [WRS-2100] Do not show description in output dropdown by @alexandraFlavia9 in #257
- [Task][WRS-2189] Change page on arrow key press, scrollbars behaviour by @smereuta in #249
- [Feat][WRS-2182] Run batch output with configured data source by @psamusev in #256
- [Feature] [WRS-1347] Add custom theming by @alexandraFlavia9 in #253
- [Fix][MAIN-990][WRS-2251] Add trailing / in ENVIRONMENT_API sdk value by @brapoprod in #259
- [Feat][WRS-2227] Add Error/Empty state for configured data source by @psamusev in #258
- [Fix][WRS-2227] Display cells values correctly for data source model by @psamusev in #261
- [Fix] Fix icon styling by @alexandraFlavia9 in #223
- [Fix][WRS-2253] Update visualization for data source cells by @psamusev in #263
- [Task][WRS-2228] old studio ff cleanup by @smereuta in #264
- [Feature] [WRS-2212] Integrate SDK with multiple event subscriptions support by @abdelhalimkhouas in #262
- [Fix] [WRS-2259] Configure inputBorderColor on ui theme by @alexandraFlavia9 in #266
- [Feature] [WRS-2233] Add variable focus and blur listeners in Studio UI Integration layer by @abdelhalimkhouas in #260
- [Feature] [GRAFX-4173] Document theming by @alexandraFlavia9 in #268
- [Fix] [WRS-2257] Do not load project if projectId is not provided by @alexandraFlavia9 in #267
- [Fix] [GRAFX-4154] Adjust output settings interface by replacing outputType with dataSourceEnabled by @alexandraFlavia9 in #270
- [Fix] Update License by @brapoprod in #273
- [Fix] sdk build version for release by @brapoprod in #272
- [Release] Prep for 1.19 by @brapoprod in #274
Full Changelog: 1.18.0...1.19.0