Saw a, and thought why not! here we go....
A self-hosted internet forum or message board A self-hosted internet forum or message board, The system should be able to support 50 to 200 active users posting, discussing Technology to use: Front-end: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, bootstrap keeping it simple Back-end: Python database PostgreSQL Hosting Environment: Linux Nginx for deployment Key Features to Develop
a) User Management: User Registration & Authentication: Create a system where users can register, login, and reset passwords. User Roles: Admin, moderators, and regular users with different permissions. Profile Pages: Allow users to create personal profiles and manage their preferences. Notifications: Notifications for replies, messages, or updates.
b) Forum Structure: Categories & Subforums: Allow admins to create categories and subforums for different topics. Threads and Replies: Users can create threads and reply to existing ones. Implement pagination for better performance on long threads. Thread Pinning and Locking: Allow admins to pin important threads and lock threads that shouldn't receive replies.
c) Content Management: Post Editor: Build a rich text editor with features like bold, italics, lists, links, and images. Tagging System: Allow tagging of posts for better categorization. Search Functionality: Build a search system that lets users find threads and posts by keyword, category, or author.
d) Security and Moderation: Moderation Tools: Give moderators tools to edit, delete, or lock posts and ban users. Spam Prevention: Implement CAPTCHA for registration and post-creation. Rate limit actions to prevent spam. User Reporting: Allow users to report inappropriate content.