A text user interface tool designed for oVirt to manage disaster recovery scenarios in an easy and intuitive way.
If you are using a fresh install of a Linux distribution, please make sure you have the oVirt repository configured:
yum install http://resources.ovirt.org/pub/yum-repo/ovirt-release36.rpm
Then you need to install the ovirt-engine-sdk-python package:
yum install ovirt-engine-sdk-python
Before starting to recover the old oVirt setup, please make sure that the new oVirt engine is up and running and it contains an active data center.
After ovirt-engine-sdk-python is installed, run disaster-recovery-tool.py from the project home folder to start:
The first screen after the welcome screen should be the login page.
At this page you should define the address of your engine, the user name to login to it, and the password.
Once logged in, the first page that will be displayed will be the import storage domain page:
At this page, the admin should decide which storage domain to import to the new data center.
The admin should pick the storage domain type, the export path, the host to perform the connect operations as part of the import process, and the name of the imported storage domain in the new data center.
Once the storage domain will finish to be imported, a pop-up will be performed to the admin, asking if there is another storage domain to import to the new data center.
Once all the storage domains will finish to be import, the process of registering all the entities (VM/Templates) will start.
The admin will choose the type of entities to register, it could be disks, Templates or VMs.
Each entity registration, will be performed under the scroll, indicating whether the registration finished with success or failure.
That is it!!
The new data center should now contain all the imported storage domains and VMs/Templates/Disks from your old setup which was destroyed.
Here is a short video demonstrating the flow which described above:
- If python fails to run, please make sure ovirt-release repo and ovirt-engine-sdk-python is installed.
- If the data center fails to import a storage domain, please make sure the setup is running and the data center is active with an active SPM host.
RATA-TUI is an open source project written with python and uses npyscreen, a python widget library and application framework for programming terminal or console applications. RATA-TUI integrates with oVirt using ovirt-engine-sdk, and it should support import of storage domains (currently only NFS) to a pre-initialized active data center and register all the entities (Templates, VMs and floating disks) using one simple operation.
Support import of block storage domain (iSCSI or FC)
Please feel free to contact Maor Lipchuk ([email protected]) or Daniel Erez ([email protected]) on any question