Scripts to ease the creation of IPOL demos.
For demos that use an archive as input.
The unarchive script
- guesses the type of archive
- unpacks it
- finds and returns all files matching a given list of extensions.
For demos in which input or output images are not 8-bits/channel.
The tonemap script
- maps the dynamic of each input to [0, 255] by clipping 0.5% on each side
- saves it in the specified format (png by default).
Upload a ddl file and demoextras archive to the demo system. Requires to be logged to the system from firefox.
Memos about the ipol demo system, and documentation for features and behaviors missing in the official documentation.
official documentation Useful links.
undocumented ddl Features not officially documented.
hidden features Features not officially documented, available from the
demo-system-structure (work in progress) Files hierarchy. If you're wondering were IPOL move your files in the "move" sections, or if your "" can't find the executable, you may want to have a better idea of how files are organized.