AbyssBox 1.1
The Custom Theme Editor has been expanded!
The Custom Theme Editor not supports backgrounds, has new options, has a new color picker, and it allows you to use any theme as a base! -
Given the massive size of this update, lets start off with the simplest things to cover, Themes! AbyssBox has added:
Forest 2
Nebula 2
Scratch Addons
Frutiger Aero
Terminal 2.0
I am on fire!
2012 Video Tutorial
Half-Life: SourceScratch and Scratch addons was made by Neptendo, Glyde was obviously made by Glyde, and I was given Assistance with Frutiger Aero thanks to Glyde, Ruskah, LeoV and many others.
Speaking of themes, I've actually updated several themes to be completely finished!
Updated: Half-life. I added a new Title for the theme.
Updated: AbyssBox Classic! This update adds a new background, icons, cursor, and a track font!
This also applies to AbyssBox Competitive and AbyssBox Light
Updated: Windows Xp! This update completely overhauls Windows Xp to it's absolute extreme!
AbyssBox Classic has also been updated to feature new editor background sprites. -
lets move on to the new stuff!
Heavily improved Mobile Support.
Added Overlays, now your themes can have things overlaying the entire screen! This feature is best shown off in 'I am on fire!' and '2012 video tutorial'.
Added Titles, Now your theme can have it's own custom title in the description. A few themes use this, 'I am on fire', 'Half-Life' and 'Half-Life: Source' use this feature.
We've also added a new preset called Nokia Ringtone.
Beyond those little things, We've also added every feature upto UltraBox 2.2.2. -
Added Shortcut buttons! These buttons do things that are only accessable in the edit menu and via keyboard shortcuts, but with the added bonus of working on Mobile too! This will undoubtably help with a lot of the issues that plauge AbyssBox Mobile. I'm hoping there will also be future things that improve Mobile.
Added a new Layout. Theatre! This layout is a fullscreen layout that allows you to view all the notes without the distractions of the Track Editor and The settings being there!
I've also combined the Themes and Custom Themes Prompt into one!
Hmm... Something's wrong with the hotdog...