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Merge pull request #24 from chrisdone/cd/2024-08-23-scope-check
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Check scope of variables at the desugarer stage too
  • Loading branch information
chrisdone authored Aug 23, 2024
2 parents 1ca5f2f + 368e974 commit 7f82766
Showing 1 changed file with 46 additions and 41 deletions.
87 changes: 46 additions & 41 deletions Hell.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -534,17 +534,17 @@ nestedTyApps = go [] where

desugarExp :: Map String (UTerm ()) -> HSE.Exp HSE.SrcSpanInfo ->
Either DesugarError (UTerm ())
desugarExp globals = go where
go = \case
HSE.Paren _ x -> go x
desugarExp globals = go mempty where
go scope = \case
HSE.Paren _ x -> go scope x
HSE.If _ i t e ->
(\e' t' i' -> UApp () (UApp () (UApp () bool' e') t') i')
<$> go e <*> go t <*> go i
<$> go scope e <*> go scope t <*> go scope i
HSE.Tuple _ HSE.Boxed xs -> do
xs' <- traverse go xs
xs' <- traverse (go scope) xs
pure $ foldl (UApp ()) (tuple' (length xs)) xs'
HSE.List _ xs -> do
xs' <- traverse go xs
xs' <- traverse (go scope) xs
pure $ foldr (\x y -> UApp () (UApp () cons' x) y) nil' xs'
HSE.Lit _ lit' -> case lit' of
HSE.Char _ char _ -> pure $ lit char
Expand All @@ -555,42 +555,53 @@ desugarExp globals = go where
_ -> Left $ UnsupportedLiteral
app@HSE.App{} | Just (qname, tys) <- nestedTyApps app -> do
reps <- traverse desugarSomeType tys
desugarQName globals qname reps
desugarQName scope globals qname reps
HSE.Var _ qname ->
desugarQName globals qname []
HSE.App _ f x -> UApp () <$> go f <*> go x
HSE.InfixApp _ x (HSE.QVarOp l f) y -> UApp () <$> (UApp () <$> go (HSE.Var l f) <*> go x) <*> go y
desugarQName scope globals qname []
HSE.App _ f x -> UApp () <$> go scope f <*> go scope x
HSE.InfixApp _ x (HSE.QVarOp l f) y -> UApp () <$> (UApp () <$> go scope (HSE.Var l f) <*> go scope x) <*> go scope y
HSE.Lambda _ pats e -> do
args <- traverse desugarArg pats
e' <- go e
let stringArgs = concatMap (bindingStrings . fst) args
e' <- go (foldr Set.insert scope stringArgs) e
pure $ foldr (\(name,ty) inner -> ULam () name ty inner) e' args
HSE.Con _ qname ->
desugarQName globals qname []
desugarQName scope globals qname []
HSE.Do _ stmts -> do
let loop f [HSE.Qualifier _ e] = f <$> go e
loop f (s:ss) = do
let squash [HSE.Qualifier _ e] = pure e
squash (s:ss) = do
case s of
HSE.Generator _ pat e -> do
(s', rep) <- desugarArg pat
m <- go e
loop (f . (\f' -> UApp () (UApp () bind' m) (ULam () s' rep f'))) ss
HSE.LetStmt _ (HSE.BDecls _ [HSE.PatBind _ pat (HSE.UnGuardedRhs _ e) Nothing]) -> do
(s', rep) <- desugarArg pat
value <- go e
loop (f . (\f' -> UApp () (ULam () s' rep f') value)) ss
HSE.Qualifier _ e -> do
e' <- go e
loop (f . UApp () (UApp () then' e')) ss
HSE.Generator l pat e -> do
inner <- squash ss
let (.>>=) = HSE.Var l (HSE.Qual l (HSE.ModuleName l "Monad") (HSE.Ident l "bind"))
pure $
HSE.App l
(HSE.App l (.>>=) e)
(HSE.Lambda l [pat] inner)
HSE.Qualifier l e -> do
inner <- squash ss
let (.>>) = HSE.Var l (HSE.Qual l (HSE.ModuleName l "Monad") (HSE.Ident l "then"))
pure $
HSE.App l
(HSE.App l (.>>) e)
HSE.LetStmt l (HSE.BDecls _ [HSE.PatBind _ pat (HSE.UnGuardedRhs _ e) Nothing]) -> do
inner <- squash ss
pure $ HSE.App l (HSE.Lambda l [pat] inner) e
_ -> Left BadDoNotation
loop _ _ = Left BadDoNotation
loop id stmts
HSE.RecConstr _ qname fields -> desugarExp globals $ makeConstructRecord qname fields
squash _ = Left BadDoNotation
squash stmts >>= go scope
HSE.RecConstr _ qname fields -> go scope $ makeConstructRecord qname fields
e -> Left $ UnsupportedSyntax $ show e

desugarQName :: Map String (UTerm ()) -> HSE.QName HSE.SrcSpanInfo -> [SomeTypeRep] -> Either DesugarError (UTerm ())
desugarQName globals qname [] =
bindingStrings :: Binding -> [String]
bindingStrings (Singleton string) = [string]
bindingStrings (Tuple tups) = tups

desugarQName :: Set String -> Map String (UTerm ()) -> HSE.QName HSE.SrcSpanInfo -> [SomeTypeRep] -> Either DesugarError (UTerm ())
desugarQName scope globals qname [] =
case qname of
HSE.UnQual _ (HSE.Ident _ string) -> pure $ UVar () string
HSE.UnQual _ (HSE.Ident _ string) | Set.member string scope -> pure $ UVar () string
HSE.Qual _ (HSE.ModuleName _ "Main") (HSE.Ident _ string)
| Just uterm <- Map.lookup string globals ->
pure uterm
Expand All @@ -600,11 +611,11 @@ desugarQName globals qname [] =
HSE.UnQual _ (HSE.Symbol _ string)
| Just uterm <- Map.lookup string supportedLits ->
pure $ uterm
_ -> desugarPolyQName globals qname []
desugarQName globals qname treps = desugarPolyQName globals qname treps
_ -> desugarPolyQName qname []
desugarQName _ _ qname treps = desugarPolyQName qname treps

desugarPolyQName :: Show l => p -> HSE.QName l -> [SomeTypeRep] -> Either DesugarError (UTerm ())
desugarPolyQName _ qname treps =
desugarPolyQName :: Show l => HSE.QName l -> [SomeTypeRep] -> Either DesugarError (UTerm ())
desugarPolyQName qname treps =
case qname of
HSE.Qual _ (HSE.ModuleName _ prefix) (HSE.Ident _ string)
| Just (forall', vars, irep) <- Map.lookup (prefix ++ "." ++ string) polyLits -> do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1186,12 +1197,6 @@ nil' = unsafeGetForall "List.nil"
bool' :: UTerm ()
bool' = unsafeGetForall "Bool.bool"

then' :: UTerm ()
then' = unsafeGetForall "Monad.then"

bind' :: UTerm ()
bind' = unsafeGetForall "Monad.bind"

tuple' :: Int -> UTerm ()
tuple' 0 = unsafeGetForall "Tuple.()"
tuple' 2 = unsafeGetForall "Tuple.(,)"
Expand Down

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