npm install
npm install nodemon -g
At present, the application assumes that the mysql server is running on the local machine on the
default port (3306). It also assumes that a database named 'ff' create database if not exists ff
exists for the user you're connecting as.
Most of the API's will automatically create the expected table structures required whenever first making a request to one of the API's.
The player projection data is being scraped off of a fantasy analytics
site. The application currently has no background processing so to retrieve an initial set of data
you should start the server and hit the data import API. I'm using node nodemon app.js
POST http://localhost:8080/api/data/importLatest
Install fabric to build images and run containers easily
pip install fabric
fab build
to build/pull docker imagesfab dev
to run all containers, with the main container in interactive modefab up
to run all containers in daemon mode