This is the result of the Scrimba Tutorial Notes App (registration required), specifically, the first half (excluding the setting up of Firebase / Firestore).
Much of the code was pre-written. The task was to add functionality to an existing codebase.
- Sync notes with
. - Create note titles from a summary of the note.
- Move modified notes to the top of the list.
- Delete notes.
There isn't a GitHub Page for this version. This is due to database security concerns.
(the markdown editor) has not been updated for React V.18.
Therefore, I have used React V.17 for this project.
In the markdown editor, you can't tab through the toolbar buttons (apart from 'Write' and 'Preview').
This is because tabindex="-1"
is placed on these buttons, removing them from the tab order.
ChatGPT supplied a solution, which was to give ALL the buttons (including 'Write' and 'Preview') a tabindex
of zero:
function Editor({ currentNote, updateNote }) {
useEffect(() => {
// Function to update tabindex of toolbar buttons
const updateTabindex = () => {
const toolbarButtons = document.querySelectorAll(".mde-header button")
toolbarButtons.forEach((button) => {
button.setAttribute("tabindex", "0")
// Call the function initially after the component mounts
// Optional: observe changes to ensure tabindex stays updated
const observer = new MutationObserver(updateTabindex)
const toolbar = document.querySelector(".mde-header")
if (toolbar) {
observer.observe(toolbar, { childList: true, subtree: true })
// Cleanup the observer on component unmount
return () => {
}, []) // Empty dependency array to run only once on mount
On reflection, however, I have decided not to include the code. This is because:
- In order to format the text, you first have to manually select it.
- Then you have to click a formatting button.
- But, if you reverse tab from the selected text to a toolbar button, the text selection disappears, so there is nothing for the button to format.
Conclusion: the toolbar formatting buttons are inherently inaccessible to keyboard navigation. (But you can still write and preview markdown code.)
Tested on Windows 10 with:
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Microsoft Edge
Page tested in both browser and device views.