RabbitMQ Adapter provides an interface to a RabbitMQ message broker. It facilitates development of microservices for platform v2.
docker run --rm -d -p 25672:25672/tcp -p 4369:4369/tcp -p 5671:5671/tcp -p 5672:5672/tcp -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:3-management
The library is based on tokio
and futures 0.3
. To interact, use the RabbitConnection
First, create it.
let rabbit = RabbitConnection::new(ConfigUri::Uri(""), None, "reply");
Then you can spawn a task to connect and interact with it.
async move {
rabbit.bind_queue("queue", "exchange", "#").await?;
The consume
operation is blocking and must be spawned in a dedicated tasks.
Currently, the library relies on the lapin
crate. It doesn't provide error handling and cannot reopen connections. Also, it has a number of bugs
The lapin
crate has the following shortcomings. It is not ready for production.
- A subscription (consume) cannot be canceled.
- Only rudimentary error handling.