This is a program to visualize the electrostatic potential induced by charged defects on surfaces, as they are placed by the user.
For a detailed explanation on the physics behind this, see the articles:
Vertical manipulation of native adatoms on the InAs(111)A surface Yang, J.; Nacci, C.; Martínez-Blanco, J.; Kanisawa, K. & Fölsch, S. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2012, 24, 354008
Emergent multistability in assembled nanostructures Yang, J.; Erwin, S.; Kanisawa, K.; Nacci, C. & Fölsch, S. Nano Letters, 2011, 11, 2486
This repo contains a Python version and an HTML version:
The graphical user interface is a Matplotlib figure which is able to handle events like mouse clicks and mouse movements.
It has been tested in Python 2.7.6 and Python 3.4.2.
For the moment, the program deals only with the case of adatoms adsorbed on the vacancy sites of the 2x2 reconstruction of the InAs(111)A semiconductor surface.
This is a web-app where the interactivity has been implemented using the javascript visualization library d3.js.
In this version it is possible to define a lattice of adsorption sites (two vectors, each with modulus and angle).
Apart from d3.js, a copy of two javascript libraries are included and used, namely PNGlib.js and Bessel.JS. A guided tour through the app is also implemented, for which jQuery.js and Bootstrap-tour.js are used.
You can try the web-app in the project site.
Jesús Martínez-Blanco