Docker images for master/slave created to be used for EEA Jenkins.
These images are generic, thus you can obviously re-use them within your non-related EEA projects.
(master/Dockerfile) (default):slave
Install Docker.
Install Docker Compose.
$ git clone
$ cd eea.docker.jenkins
Add user and password to connect jenkins slaves to jenkins master
$ cp .secret.example .secret
$ vi .secret
Also customize your deployment by changing environment variables
within master.env
, slave.env
and postfix.env
See Supported environment variables section bellow
Before starting you may want to restore existing jenkins configuration, jobs and plugins within a data container. See section Restore existing jenkins configuration for the command to start a data container first.
Below some cluster examples on how to start a master and one or more slaves using docker-compose. Adjust the cluster composition depending on your jenkins needs.
Start (master only). Do this the first time you run the jenkins cluster.
$ sudo docker-compose up -d master
Now go to http://localhost:80/configure and configure the JENKINS_URL, otherwise the slaves will not be able to connect to the master. This is necessary the first time you run the master.
Start (master and 1 slave)
$ sudo docker-compose up -d master worker
Scale slaves to 3
$ sudo docker-compose scale worker=3
Start (debian/centos/ubuntu slaves)
$ sudo docker-compose up -d centos debian ubuntu
Check that everything started as expected and the slave successfully connected to master
$ sudo docker-compose logs
If the jenkins slaves fail to connect you can either directly provide
env URL within slave.env
file or within your favorite
browser head to http://<your.jenkins.ip>/configure
and update
Jenkins URL
property to match your jenkins server IP/DOMAIN (http://<your.jenkins.ip>/
then restart jenkins slaves:
$ sudo docker-compose restart worker
$ sudo docker-compose logs worker
$ sudo docker-compose pull master worker
$ sudo docker-compose restart master worker
The Jenkins data is kept in a data-only container named data. The data container keeps the persistent data for a production environment and must be backed up.
So if you are running in a devel environment, you can skip the backup and delete the container if you want.
On a production environment you would probably want to backup the container at regular intervals.
For example, ssh to the host and extract all the data from the container (configuration and jobs history) by using the following command:
$ docker cp eeadockerjenkins_data_1:/var/jenkins_home /media/backup
The data container can also be easily copied, moved and be reused between different environments.
To setup data container with existing jenkins configuration, jobs and plugins:
$ docker-compose up data
$ docker run -it --rm --volumes-from eeadockerjenkins_data_1 eeacms/ubuntu \
/bin/sh -c "git clone /var/jenkins_home && chown -R 1000:1000 /var/jenkins_home"
jenkins user to be used to connect slaves to Jenkins master. Make sure that this user has the proper rights to connect slaves and run jenkins jobs.JENKINS_PASS
jenkins user passwordMTP_USER
postfix user name to be used to login toMTP_RELAY
(see postfix.env bellow)MTP_PASS
postfix password to be used to login toMTP_RELAY
(see postfix.env bellow)
You might need to customize the JVM running Jenkins master, typically to pass system properties or tweak heap memory settings. Use JAVA_OPTS environment variable for this purpose.
You might need to customize the JVM running Jenkins slave, typically to pass system properties or tweak heap memory settings. Use JAVA_OPTS environment variable for this purpose.JENKINS_NAME
Description to be put on the slaveJENKINS_EXECUTORS
Number of executors. Default is equal with the number of available CPUsJENKINS_LABELS
Whitespace-separated list of labels to be assigned for this slave. Multiple options are allowed.JENKINS_RETRY
Number of retries before giving up. Unlimited if not specified.JENKINS_MODE
The mode controlling how Jenkins allocates jobs to slaves. Can be either 'normal' (utilize this slave as much as possible) or 'exclusive' (leave this machine for tied jobs only). Default is normal.JENKINS_MASTER
The complete target Jenkins URL like 'http://jenkins-server'. If this option is specified, auto-discovery will be skippedJENKINS_TUNNEL
Connect to the specified host and port, instead of connecting directly to Jenkins. Useful when connection to Hudson needs to be tunneled. Can be also HOST: or :PORT, in which case the missing portion will be auto-configured like the default behaviorJENKINS_TOOL_LOCATIONS
Whitespace-separated list of tool locations to be defined on this slave. A tool location is specified as 'toolName:location'JENKINS_NO_RETRY_AFTER_CONNECTED
Do not retry if a successful connection gets closed.JENKINS_AUTO_DISCOVERY_ADDRESS
Use this address for udp-based auto-discovery (default
Disables SSL verification in the HttpClient.
Mail host domain to be used with postfix SMTP only mail serverMTP_RELAY
Mail server address/ip to be used to send emails (e.g. Default None - emails are sent using postfix service within postfix docker image)MTP_PORT
Mail server port to be used to send emails (e.g.: 587. Default: None)
The Initial Owner of the Original Code is European Environment Agency (EEA). All Rights Reserved.
The Original Code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.