Easy to maintain multiple cron job, and auto send job execute log.
- Allow multiple cron job
- Allow multiple notify drivers(email, line)
Clone project
yarn global add cron-service
cron-service --config=/file-to-your/config.json
or pm2
pm2 start cron-service --name="cron" -- --config=/file-to-your/config.json
- jobs: Setup cron job.
- notifyDrivers: Setup notify driver (configuration see below).
job item
- name(required): String, name of job item.
- runAtStart(optional): Boolean, job will run after service launch if this property is true (default value is false).
- schedule(required): String/Array, schedule rule like cron job(to setup multi schedule you can pass array value), see more rule in cron.
- commands(required): Array, CommandItem array (CommandItem configuration see below).
- notify(optional): Array, setup drivers which you wanna notify.
"someCronJob": {
"name": "Some Cron Job",
"runAtStart": true,
"schedule": "*/60 * * * * *",
"commands": [
"notify": ["line", "email"]
- command: Command which you wanna execute.
- description(required): String, this description will display in execute notify content.
- cwd(optional): String, Path where command to execute.
"command": "git clone https://foobar.com.git; cd foobar",
"description": "Clone some repo.",
"cwd": "/home/project/"
"jobs": {
"someCronJob": {
"name": "Some Cron Job",
"runAtStart": true,
"schedule": "*/60 * * * * *",
"commands": [
"command": "rm -rf foobar",
"description": "remove folder"
"command": "git clone [email protected]:rtyley/small-test-repo.git foobar; pwd; ls",
"description": "clone project"
"command": "cd foobar; ls",
"description": "go into project"
"command": "rm -rf foobar",
"description": "delete project"
"notify": ["line", "email"]
"notifyDrivers": {
"line": {
"token": "lineApiToken"
"email": {
"transporter": {
"port": 587,
"host": "smtp.gmail.com",
"username": "[email protected]",
"password": "password"
"send": {
"from": "[email protected]",
"to": "[email protected],[email protected]"
- transporter: Object, mail configuration.
- send:
- from: String, from mail.
- to: String, one or more receiver.
"notifyDrivers": {
"email": {
"transporter": {
"port": 587,
"host": "smtp.gmail.com",
"username": "[email protected]",
"password": "password"
"send": {
"from": "[email protected]",
"to": "[email protected],[email protected]"
Line is a popular chat application in asia which like WhatsApp in west countries.
To create access token see offical documentation
- token: String, access token of line notify api.
"notifyDrivers": {
"line": {
"token": "lineApiToken"