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ciberch edited this page Sep 20, 2012 · 6 revisions


GET /auth/:provider

  • Starts the auth flow for the SSO provider: facebook, twitter or github
  • This allows users to authenticate using 3-legged OAuth. It requires interaction with the user agent. For mobile device access see the Impersonation doc.

GET /logout

Logs the user out

Authenticated Endpoints

POST /activities

Allows the user to create a new activity. Note that the current user will be set as the actor

Remember to pass the appropriate Content-Type: application/json

Here is an example of the POST body(In JSON)




Status Code: 201 Created

POST /photos

Allows the user to upload a photo. Resizes the photos in 2 additional images.


This must be a multiform post with a parameter names image which contains the image file.


The activity syndicated to the personal stream

  "title":"posted a photo", "_id":"505b384cfc91900000000017",
    "displayName":"Monica Wilkinson",

GET /photos -- TODO

Returns the list of photos the current user has uploaded in JSON array. Each photo is represented as an activity object in Activity Streams.


Returns the activities and settings for the default stream general


  • ?json=true : If set will return the output in json regardless of content headers
  • verb : Pass one or more verbs to include in the stream. Example: verb=post&verb=like&verb=start&objectType=none
  • objectType: Pass one or more object types to include in the stream. Example: objectType=application&objectType=article&objectType=person&objectType=place&objectType=comment
  • actorObjectType : Pass one or more actor types to include in the stream. Example: actorObjectType=person


  "displayName":"Monica Wilkinson",
          "title":"posted a new comment",
            "displayName":"Cloud Foundry",
            "displayName":"Monica Wilkinson",
            "content":"Changed default stream name"
          "title":"liked a new photo",
            "displayName":"Cloud Foundry",
            "displayName":"Monica Wilkinson",
          "title":"posted a new photo",
            "displayName":"Cloud Foundry",
            "displayName":"Monica Wilkinson",
    "verbs":["post", "like"],
    "objectTypes":["none", "photo", "application", "article", "person", "place", "service", "instance", "comment"],
    "actorObjectTypes":["none", "person"]
    "actorTypes":["Person", "Group", "Application", "Service"],
    "objectTypes":["Photo", "Application", "Instance", "Article", "Person", "Place", "Service", "Comment"],
    "verbs":["Post", "Favorite", "Follow", "Join", "Like", "Friend", "Play", "Save", "Share", "Tag", "Create", "Update", "Read", "Delete", "Check In", "Like"]
  "usedVerbs":["start", "post", "like"],
  "usedObjects":["App Instance 0 at", "App Instance 1 at", "github-round.png", "App Instance 0", "App Instance 1"],
  "usedObjectTypes":["instance", "photo", "comment"],
  "usedActors":["Monica Wilkinson"]

GET /streams/[stream name]

Same functionality as above but you can pass the stream name that you want to fetch.


  • ?json=true : If set will return the output in json regardless of content headers
  • verb : Pass one or more verbs to include in the stream. Example: verb=post&verb=like&verb=start&objectType=none
  • objectType: Pass one or more object types to include in the stream. Example: objectType=application&objectType=article&objectType=person&objectType=place&objectType=comment
  • actorObjectType : Pass one or more actor types to include in the stream. Example: actorObjectType=person

XHR Methods

Offered via polling Sample polling request is: GET /

Once the polling is happening you can send messages to the server

We currently support one type of message:


Backbone.sync = function(method, model, options) {
        if (model.url === "/activities") {
            if (method === "create") {
                var act = model.toJSON();
                    App.socketIoClient.emit("create-activity", act);
                    return true;
        return defaultSync(method, model, options);

Create Activity can be used for:

  • New Activities
  • In Reply To Activities
    • Likes
    • Comments