The goal is to help people whose first, or preferred, language is not English. This package aims to aid in translating data in packages, and help files. This should lower the barrier of learning R, and data analysis in general.
Even though this package can translate data on the fly, the primary way it should be used is within another R package.
The datalang
package uses a translation spec file in order to perform
the translation. The expected spec file format is YAML. datalang
the YAML file to know which column names, and data values, to change.
The same YAML spec file can contain the information needed to produce a
help file.
The development version from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
my_spec <- system.file("specs/thisweek.yml", package = "datalang")
readLines(my_spec, encoding = "UTF-8")
#> [1] "df:"
#> [2] " source: thisweek"
#> [3] " name: esta_semana"
#> [4] "variables:"
#> [5] " day:"
#> [6] " trans: dia"
#> [7] " desc: Dia de la semana"
#> [8] " values:"
#> [9] " friday: viernes"
#> [10] " saturday: sábado"
#> [11] " sunday: domingo"
#> [12] " morning:"
#> [13] " trans: manana"
#> [14] " desc: Temperatura a las 10 AM"
#> [15] " afternoon:"
#> [16] " trans: tarde"
#> [17] " desc: Temperatura a las 3 PM"
#> [18] "help:"
#> [19] " name: esta_semana"
#> [20] " alias: esta_semana"
#> [21] " title: Un data set de ejemplo"
#> [22] " description: Tres días de temperaturas tomadas en la mañana y la tarde"
diamantes <- translate_data(my_spec)
#> dia manana tarde
#> 1 viernes 76 88
#> 2 sábado 71 85
#> 3 domingo 70 83
#> [1] "\\docType{data}"
#> [2] "\\name{esta_semana}"
#> [3] "\\alias{esta_semana}"
#> [4] "\\title{Un data set de ejemplo}"
#> [5] "\\describe{"
#> [6] "\\item{dia}{Dia de la semana}"
#> [7] "\\item{manana}{Temperatura a las 10 AM}"
#> [8] "\\item{tarde}{Temperatura a las 3 PM}"
#> [9] "}}"
#> [10] "\\description{Tres días de temperaturas tomadas en la mañana y la tarde}"
#> [11] "\\keyword{datasets}"