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The CiiMS API module provides basic access to common methods and data. The CiiMS API is a JSON REST API which supports GET, POST, and DELETE. POSTS requests should be sent as JSON encoded form fields for simplicity.

API Overview

This documentation provides a comprehensive overview of everything that the CiiMS API has to offer. This documentation offers a full explaination of each API endpoint, as well as example request and responses.

In this documentation, the following format will be used to describe the available endpoints. In the event there are no parameters, that section will not be included in the method signature. Additional parameters may be made available in the description.

[HTTP_VERB] [/uri/path] [params] Method Description



API Objectives

The API has been designed with serveral components in mind:

  • Performance
  • Security
  • Simplicity

Accessing the API

The CiiMS API can be accessed via the /api endpoint of your CiiMS instance.

Appropriate Request Headers

When making a request to the API you have 2 options for interaction, you can either send raw JSON via application/json as a raw request OR you can send application/x-www-form-urlencoded form data and serialize your parameters as you would in jQuery. If any raw request body is recieved the API will assume that the data you sent is application/json and will interpret the data as that.


All responses from the API will be returned as JSON objects and will at minimum contain the HTTP response code sent with the headers, a error message if applicable, and an object called "response" which will contain the response. If an occur occurs, (depending on the resource), the response will be an empty JSON object or NULL.

    "status" : <http_status_code>, 
    "message" : null, 
    "response" : { } 


While some API endpoints are made publicly available, most require authentication to access.

[POST] [/user/token] Authenticating

When you authenticate against the CiiMS API, you'll be presented with a long-life token that you can use for future requests. This long-life token should be kept in a secure location, as it grants whoever controls it full access to any available resource that the token owner has access to.

All fields listed below are required:

Example Request:

    "email": "[email protected]",
    "password": "<password>",
    "name": "<yourApplicationName>"

If your authentication credentials are valid, but the account is protected by a two factor authentication code, you will receive an HTTP 412 error message indicating the two factor code was missing.

    "status": 412,
    "message": "Unable to authenticate.",
    "response": false

If you receive this error, you'll need to supply the following data in the JSON request body:

    "2fa": "<twoFactorAuthenticationCode>",

If your authentication request is successfull, you'll recieve the following response:

Example Response:

    "status": 200,
    "message": "Your request was successfully fulfilled",
    "response": "<long-life-token>"

In the event that authentication fails, you'll be presented with a generic 403 error message.

    "status": 403,
    "message": "Unable to authenticate.",
    "response": false

Once authenticated, any request that requires authentication can be accessed by including the following headers with your request:

    X-Auth-Email: [email protected]
    X-Auth-Token: <long-life-token>

[POST] [/user/authenticate] Authenticating

Acts as an alias to /user/token

[DELETE] [/user/token] Deauthenticating

If for any reason you believe your long-life token has been comprimised, it is advised to immediatly revolk your token.

Example Response:

    "status": 200,
    "message": "Your request was successfully fulfilled",
    "response": true

Available API Methods

The following API endpoints are made available for testing. This next section will divide the API endpoints by controller/namespace.


The card API is considered private, and should not be used directly. Do not attempt to directly access the card endpoint.

[GET] [/card/index] Retrieve Dashboard Cards

A list of all installed dashboard cards for the current user can be retrieved by accessing this endpoint

Example Response:

    "status": 200,
    "message": "Your request was successfully fulfilled",
    "response": {
        "cards": {
            "<id>": "<url>"
        "cardData": {
            "<id>": {}

[POST] [/card/index] Install a new Dashboard Card

This endpoint is used to install a new dashboard card for your user.

Example Request:

    "id": "<generated_uuid>",
    "url": "<card_endppint_url_fqdn>",
    "details": {}

[DELETE] [/card/index] [id] Deletes an installed card

Cards can be deleted from a user by sending a request ot his endppint

[GET] [/card/details] [id] Retrieves the card details

This endpoint is automatically called when the card details are loaded in the dashboard.

Example Request:

    "status": 200,
    "message": "Your request was successfully fulfilled",
    "response": {}

[POST] [/card/details] [id] Set card details

Card details can be modified by sending a POST request to this endpoint. This endppoint is called when any details for a card change.

[POST] [/card/rearrange] Rearrange Dashboard

This endpoint allows the dashboard cards to be re-arranged.


The category endpoints allow users and administrators to view and manage categories.

[GET] [/category/index] [OPT id] Retrieve categories

Any user may retrieve a public listing of all categories in the categories currently in the system. This endpoint supports pagination via the page GET parameter, and also supports searching & filtering.

If the ID parameter is provided, this endpoint will only return data about the requested category/

Example Response:

    "status": 200,
    "message": "Your request was successfully fulfilled",
    "response": [
            "id": "12",
            "name": "Name",
            "slug": "name",
            "created": "1380326400",
            "updated": "1386460800",
            "parent": {
                "id": "1",
                "parent_id": "1",
                "name": "Uncategorized",
                "slug": "uncategorized",
                "created": "1417471909",
                "updated": "1417471909"
            "metadata": []
            "id": "10",
            "name": "example2",
            "slug": "example2",
            "created": "1371772800",
            "updated": "1371772800",
            "parent": {
                "id": "1",
                "parent_id": "1",
                "name": "Uncategorized",
                "slug": "uncategorized",
                "created": "1417471909",
                "updated": "1417471909"
            "metadata": []

[POST] [/category/index] [OPT id] Create/Update Category

New categories can by created by sending a POST request to this endpoint. If an ID is provided, the category will be updated if it exists.

Example Request:

    "name": "name",
    "slug": "<uri_slug>",
    "parent_id": "<id_of_parent_category>"

Example Response:

    "status": 200,
    "message": "Your request was successfully fulfilled",
    "response": [
            "id": "12",
            "name": "Name",
            "slug": "name",
            "created": "1380326400",
            "updated": "1386460800",
            "parent": {
                "id": "1",
                "parent_id": "1",
                "name": "Uncategorized",
                "slug": "uncategorized",
                "created": "1417471909",
                "updated": "1417471909"
            "metadata": []

[DELETE] [/category/index] [id] Delete a Category

Categories can be deleted by sending a DELETE request to this endpoint.


  1. The root category "Uncategorized" cannot be deleted
  2. When a category is deleted, all child categories will be reassigned to the deleted categories parent category.


The following endpoints are made available to create, edit, and manage CiiMS' internal comment system. Note, that if any other comment system is enabled, all of these endpoints will return a 403 error.

CiiMS' comment system is fairly basic. Users can add new comments, update them, and remove them, and administrators can manage these comments at a high level. In order to facilitate useful discussions, this comment system also implements a reputation system. Each user starts with 100 reputation, and as they comment their reputation will increase or decrease (completely transparently to the end user). Certain actions will increase a user's reputation, while others will decrease it.

If at any point the user's reputation drops below a certain threshold, all comments for that user will immediatly be shadow-banned. The user will still be able to comment as usual, but no other users will see their entries.

In future iterations of CiiMS this sytem will provide a way to up and downvote comments, and allow individual comments to be shadow-banned.

[GET] [/comment/comments] [id] Retrieves comments for a given content id

Retrieves comments for a given content id

Example Response:

    "status": 200,
    "message": null,
    "response": [{
        "id": <comment_id>,
        "content_id": <id>,
        "author_id": <user_id>,
        "user": {
            "email": "",
            "firstName": "",
            "lastName": "",
            "username": ""
        "content": {
            "id": <content_id>,
            "slug": <slug>,
            "title": <title>
        "comment": <comment>,
        "created": 1237519512,
        "updated": 1237519512
    }, {
        "id": <comment_id>,
        "content_id": <id>,
        "author_id": <user_id>,
        "user": {
            "email": "",
            "firstName": "",
            "lastName": "",
            "username": ""
        "content": {
            "id": <content_id>,
            "slug": <slug>,
            "title": <title>
        "comment": <comment>,
        "created": 1237519512,
        "updated": 1237519512

[GET] [/comment/user] [id] Retrieves comments for a given user

Retrieves comments for a given user

Example Response:

    "status": 200,
    "message": null,
    "response": [{
        "id": <comment_id>,
        "content_id": <id>,
        "author_id": <user_id>,
        "user": {
            "email": "",
            "firstName": "",
            "lastName": "",
            "username": ""
        "content": {
            "id": <content_id>,
            "slug": <slug>,
            "title": <title>
        "comment": <comment>,
        "created": 1237519512,
        "updated": 1237519512
    }, {
        "id": <comment_id>,
        "content_id": <id>,
        "author_id": <user_id>,
        "user": {
            "email": "",
            "firstName": "",
            "lastName": "",
            "username": ""
        "content": {
            "id": <content_id>,
            "slug": <slug>,
            "title": <title>
        "comment": <comment>,
        "created": 1237519512,
        "updated": 1237519512

[POST] [/comment/count] Retrieves a count of comments for a list of entries

Retrieves comment countes for the requested entries.

Example Request:

    "ids": []

Example Response:

    id: count,
    id2: count2,

[POST] [/comment/index] [OPT id] Create or Update a comment

Allows a user to create or modify a comment if an ID is provided.

Example Request:

    "id": <comment_id>,
    "content_id": <id>,
    "author_id": <user_id>,
    "comment": <comment>

Example Response:

    "status": 200,
    "message": null,
    "response": [{
        "id": <comment_id>,
        "content_id": <id>,
        "author_id": <user_id>,
        "user": {
            "email": "",
            "firstName": "",
            "lastName": "",
            "username": ""
        "content": {
            "id": <content_id>,
            "slug": <slug>,
            "title": <title>
        "comment": <comment>,
        "created": 1237519512,
        "updated": 1237519512

[DELETE] [/comment/index] [id] Deletes a comment

For when you say something you shouldn't in a public setting. = )

[POST] [/comment/flag] [id] Flag a comment

Flags a comment for review/as contriversial.


This endpoints allows users and administrators to view and manage content.

[GET] [/content/index] [OPT id] View content

This API endpoint allows users to retrieve all published and viewable content within the system.

Unauthenticted users will be able to see all published content. Authenticated users will be able to see all content that would be viewable for them at their permissions level. For instance, administrators can see all content once authenticated, whereas collaborators can only published content and content which they are the author of (including drafts).

This endpoint supports pagination via the page GET parameter, and full rich searching on all non-extended attributes (eg if you want to search a category you'd specify Content[category_id] rather than the sub-attributes).

If the id paremter is specified, this endpooint will only return that content as a single object rather than as an array of objects.

Example Response:

    "status": 200,
    "message": "Your request was successfully fulfilled",
    "response": [{
        "id": "119",
        "title": "Test Entry",
        "content": "test",
        "excerpt": "test",
        "slug": "test-entry",
        "type_id": "2",
        "commentable": "1",
        "status": "1",
        "like_count": "0",
        "published": "1420215873",
        "created": "1420215873",
        "updated": "1420215873",
        "author": {
            "id": "1",
            "username": "test"
        "category": {
            "id": "1",
            "name": "Uncategorized",
            "slug": "uncategorized",
            "created": "1417471909",
            "updated": "1417471909"
        "metadata": [{
            "key": "autosave",
            "value": "{}"
            "created": "1420215873",
            "updated": "1420215873"

[POST] [/content/index] [OPT id] Create/Update a Content entry

An empty POST request to this endpoint will create a new draft for authenticated and authorized user. The response of this object will be the base content object described above. Using this ID you may then edit the content entry as desired using the base object that you recieve from the initial creation point.

[DELETE] [/content/index] Delete a content entry

Authenticated and authorized users can delete a content entry by sending an empty DELETE request to this endpoint.

[GET] [/content/publish] [OPT id] Publishes and entry

Authenticated and authorized users can publish new content or drafts by submitting a request to this endpoint. Publishing will publish the current revision of the document, and incriment the VID (revision id) attribute of the content. That new entry will supercede any current entries.

[GET] [/content/unpublish] [OPT id] Unpublishes and entry

Authenticated and authorized users can unpublish content by sending a request to this endpoint.

[GET] [/content/tag] [OPT id] Retrieve content tags

A listing of all tags can be retrieved by sending a GET request to this endpoint

Example Response:

    "status": 200,
    "message": "Your request was successfully fulfilled",
    "response": [

[POST] [/content/tag] [id] Add a new tag to a entry

Tags can be added to to a given content entry by sending a POST request to this endpoint, with the id of the content as a GET param.

Example Request:

    "tag": "example_tag"

Example Response:

    "status": 200,
    "message": "Your request was successfully fulfilled",
    "response": [

[DELETE] [/content/tag] [id, tag] Remove a tag from an entry

A tag can be deleted from a given content by sending a DELETE request to this endpoint wuth both an id and tag param, where id is the ID of the content entry, and tag is the string name of the tag.

[GET] [/content/like] [id] Like/unlike a content

Authenticated users can like/unlike a content entry by sending a GET request to this endpoint. The endpoint will automatically toggle based upon whether the content is liked, unliked, or has no like state for the user.

[GET] [/content/autosave] [id] Retrieves last autosave data

This endpoint will return the current autosave data for a given content entry. Each content entry, once created, will contain an autosave state. This state is used to preserve progress across browsers and platforms, and will retain core content data throughout edits.

[POST] [/content/autosave] [id] Updates/Creates an autosave entry

When working with content, you should use the autosave POST endpoint to periodically save the state of any drafts or changes. This autosave state is stored independently of the content table, and is overwritten on every change is prevent extra data from being written to the database. This endpoint accepts the same attributes as the main [POST] /content/index endpoint.

[GET] [/content/revision] [id] Retrieves content revisions

This endpoint will return all revisions currently available for a given content entry. The revisions will take the same form as the main [GET] /content/index endpoint.


The following endpoints are available on the default endpoint.

[GET] [/default/index | /index | /] Retrieves API status

This endpoint will return the current status of the API. Curently this checks the connectivity of the database.

Example Response:

    "status": 200,
    "message": "Your request was successfully fulfilled",
    "response": true

[POST] [/default/jsonProxy] JSON Proxy

A JavaScript frontend presents some limitations when attempting to access data that doesn't provide appropriate CORS headers, or is not available over HTTPS when SSL is used. This endpoint can be utilized to get around these restrictions for authenticated users with a role >= 5 (Collaborators or any higher role)


This API endpoint can be vulnerable to abuse by any authenticated user. Therefore access to this endpoint is restricted to authenticated users with collaboration abilities or higher (Role >= 5).


Due to the nature of this endpoint, there are several limitations to its use.

  1. Access to limited to authenticated users with collaboration ability or higher.
  2. Data will be cached server side fo 10 minutes.
  3. This endppint can only process JSON response
  4. This endpoint will only request data from the provided URL, and will not pass on any headers or other information.

Example Request:

    "url": "<url_of_remote_json_resource>"

The response of this result will be cached for 10 minutes to prevent abuse, and will dump the result of the cURL request in the response parameter of the response object.


The Event API endpoint allows CiiMS' internal analytics.js plugin to track page views and other data. This information is used to display recent page views for content.

[GET] [/event/index] Search events

Allows users to search recent events. This method is available to users with collaboration status or higher

This method supports basic Yii search GET parameters and pagination via the Event model.

[POST] [/event/index] Record an event

Records an event. This endpoint is open ended and will allow developers to record custom events.

Example Request:

    "event": "event_name",
    "uri": "event_uri",
    "event_data": "extra_json_data"

[POST] [/event/count] Retrieve event counts

Retreives the _pageview event counts for the last 24 hours period for the provided ids. This method is available to users with collaboration status or higher.

Example Request:

    "ids": []

Example Response:

    "status": 200,
    "message": null,
    "response": {
        "<id>": "<count>"


The setting endpoint can be used to view and manage all settings that CiiMS stores and uses.


New settings may be added at any time, and this documentation may not reflect the latest setting. To retrieve the latest list of available settings please reference the models listed in CiiMS::protected/models/settings

The following section outlines the available settings for that endpoint. Each section will list the available settings for both the GET and POST endpoints. Each endpoint will return the listed settings as shown (relative to your instance) for both the GET and POST responses. The listed JSON object is what is used for the POST body for modification.

General Settings

The following endpoints allow admins to manage general settings


[GET] [/setting/index]
[POST] [/setting/index]

JSON Body:

    "name": "[Site Name]",
    "dateFormat": "F jS, Y",
    "timeFormat": "H:i",
    "defaultLanguage": "en_US",
    "forceSecureSSL": "1",
    "offline": "0",
    "bcrypt_cost": "13",
    "searchPaginationSize": "10",
    "categoryPaginationSize": "10",
    "contentPaginationSize": "10",
    "useDisqusComments": "1",
    "disqus_shortname": "disqus_shortname",
    "useOpenstackCDN": "0",
    "useRackspaceCDN": "0",
    "openstack_identity": null,
    "openstack_username": null,
    "openstack_apikey": null,
    "openstack_region": null,
    "openstack_container": null

Analytics Settings

The following endpoints allow admins to manage analytics settings


[GET] [/setting/analytics]
[POST] [/setting/analytics]

JSON Body:

    "analyticsjs_Google__Analytics_enabled": 0,
    "analyticsjs_Google__Analytics_domain": null,
    "analyticsjs_Google__Analytics_trackingId": null,
    "analyticsjs_Google__Analytics_universalClient": 1,
    "analyticsjs_Pingdom_enabled": false,
    "analyticsjs_Pingdom_id": null,
    "analyticsjs_Piwik_enabled": 0,
    "analyticsjs_Piwik_url": null,
    "analyticsjs_Piwik_siteId": null

Email Settings

The following endpoints allow admins manage email settings.

When left empty, CiiMS' SMTP adapter will attempt to send emails via the sendmail method. If any SMTP attributes are not empty, then CiiMS will attempt to send information using that driver. For testing, CiiMS provide


[GET] [/setting/email]
[POST] [/setting/email]

JSON Body:

    "SMTPHost": null,
    "SMTPPort": null,
    "SMTPUser": null,
    "SMTPPass": null,
    "notifyName": null,
    "notifyEmail": null,
    "useTLS": 0,
    "useSSL": 0

[GET] [/setting/emailtest] Test email settings

After adjusting your email settings, it's strongly advised to verify that your settings work. You can test this by sending a GET request to this endpoint, which will attempt to send an email to your currently logged in user.

Social Settings

The following endpoints allow admins manage social settings. Most of these settings specifically apply to the HybridAuth module for social authentication, it can be used to store general social settings for use in other modules/themes.


[GET] [/setting/social]
[POST] [/setting/social]

JSON Body:

    "ha_twitter_enabled": false,
    "ha_twitter_key": null,
    "ha_twitter_secret": null,
    "ha_twitter_accessToken": null,
    "ha_twitter_accessTokenSecret": null,
    "ha_facebook_enabled": false,
    "ha_facebook_id": null,
    "ha_facebook_secret": null,
    "ha_facebook_scope": null,
    "ha_google_enabled": false,
    "ha_google_id": null,
    "ha_google_secret": null,
    "ha_google_scope": null,
    "google_plus_public_server_key": null,
    "ha_linkedin_enabled": false,
    "ha_linkedin_key": null,
    "ha_linkedin_secret": null,
    "addThisPublisherID": null

Theme Settings

The following endpoints allow admins manage theme settings.


[GET] [/setting/theme]
[POST] [/setting/theme]

JSON Body:

The JSON body for this endpoint will vary depending upon the currently installed theme.


The following API endpoints are made available for managing themes.


For themes that provide public callbacks, those callbacks can be accessed via this endpoint. Callbacks support both GET and POST callbacks. Data will be passed as-is to the method (eg GET will past $_GET data where POST will pass $_POST data to the method).

[GET] [/theme/callback] [theme, method]
[POST] [/theme/callback] [theme, method]

[GET] [/theme/installed] Lists installed themes

This endpoint returns a list of installed themes.

Example Response:

    "status": 200,
    "message": "Your request was successfully fulfilled",
    "response": {
        "<theme_name>": {
            "path": "<system_path>",
            "name": "<composer.json namespace>"
        "<theme_name>": {
            "path": "<system_path>",
            "name": "<composer.json namespace>"
        "<theme_name>": {
            "path": "<system_path>",
            "name": "<composer.json namespace>"

[GET] [/theme/install] [name] Change Theme

Attempts to install a theme with a given name and returns true or false if a theme with a given name was installed succesfully.

[GET] [/theme/changetheme] [name] Change Theme

Allows administrators to change the current them to an installed them.

[GET] [/theme/update] [name] Updates a theme

Attempts to update a theme with a given name and returns true or false if a theme with a given name was updated succesfully.

[GET] [/theme/updatecheck] [name] Checks if a theme has an update.

Returns true or false if a theme with a given name has an update available. This information is based upon the VERSION file that is written during installation. Consequently theme with a custom installation, or themes that are installed by default will always appear as requiring an update until they are updated and the theme is installed through CiiMS' internal theme installer.

[GET] [/theme/uninstall] [name] Uninstalls a theme

Attempts to uninstall a theme with a given name and returns true or false if a theme with a given name was uninstall succesfully.

[GET] [/theme/list] Lists themes available to install broadcasts a list of themes are are free for public installation. This endpoint will list all of those themes.

Example Response:

    "status": 200,
    "message": "Your request was successfully fulfilled",
    "response": {
        "Default": {
            "name": "ciims-themes\/default",
            "version": "3.0.11",
            "repository": "https:\/\/\/charlesportwoodii\/ciims-themes-default"
        "Spectre": {
            "name": "ciims-themes\/spectre",
            "version": "2.0.2",
            "repository": "https:\/\/\/charlesportwoodii\/ciims-themes-spectre"

[GET] [/theme/isInstalled] [name] Determines if a theme is installed

Returns true or false if a theme with a given name is installed.

[GET] [/theme/details] [name] Lists details for a given theme

Returns the details for a given theme. This information is ultimatly pulled from the composer.json/packagist details for a given theme.

Example Response:

    "status": 200,
    "message": "Your request was successfully fulfilled",
    "response": {
        "name": "ciims-themes\/default",
        "description": "The default theme that comes with CiiMS",
        "repository": "https:\/\/\/charlesportwoodii\/ciims-themes-default",
        "maintainers": [{
            "name": "charlesportwoodii",
            "email": null,
            "homepage": null
        "latest-version": "3.0.13",
        "sha": "1da64831967ef8f55a03694e2290786118995f4d",
        "file": "https:\/\/\/charlesportwoodii\/ciims-themes-default\/archive\/",
        "downloads": {
            "total": 567,
            "monthly": 106,
            "daily": 1


The following API endpoints are made available for manipulating and managing user data.

[GET] [/user/index] [OPT: id=user_id] Retrieving User Information

Authenticated users can retrieve information about themselves by querying this endpoint. This endpoint will dump all available data that is allowed by the user's role.

Note that this endpoint will only permit the user to access their own information. Only administrators can access information about another user. Authenticated administrators will see a full listing of all users in the system if the id parameter is not specified.

Additional Params:

For administrators, this endpoint supports basic Yii model->search() parameters, allowing for searching & filtering by any GET parameters.

GET /user/index?User[username]=username

This endpoint supports pagination via the page GET variable.

Example Response:

    "status": 200,
    "message": "Your request was successfully fulfilled",
    "response": [
            "id": "1",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "username": "username",
            "user_role": "9",
            "status": "1",
            "created": "1420134690",
            "updated": "1420134690",
            "role": {
                "id": "9",
                "name": "Administrator",
                "created": "1417471909",
                "updated": "1417471909"
            "metadata": []

[POST] [/user/index] [id] Update a User

Authenticated users can update their own information by sending a POST request to this endpoint, while administrators can update information for any user.

If the ID parameters is not provided, then an administrative POST to this endpoint will create a new user with the information provided. For creation of new users, all user fields are required. For updating users, you only need to provide the fields you want to update

Example Request:

    "email": "[email protected]",
    "username": "username",
    "user_role": "9",
    "status": "1",
    "password": "password"

Example Response:

    "status": 200,
    "message": "Your request was successfully fulfilled",
    "response": {
        "id": "1",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "username": "username",
        "user_role": "9",
        "status": "1",
        "created": "1420134690",
        "updated": "1420134690",
        "role": {
            "id": "9",
            "name": "Administrator",
            "created": "1417471909",
            "updated": "1417471909"
        "metadata": []

[POST] [/user/register] Register a new User

Unauthenticated users can register a new user to the site.

Example Request:

    "email": "[email protected]",
    "password": "password",
    "password_repeat": "password",
    "username": "username"

[POST] [/user/invite] Invite a User

Administrators can invite new users to the platform by sending a POST request to this endpoint

Example Request:

    "email": "[email protected]"