This is the default theme that comes prebundled with CiiMS
Asset management is done via node.js and grunt. To make changes to any of the assets/src files, install the npm dependencies, and regrunt
npm install
Or use grunt watch
nohup grunt watch &
Before packaging, be sure to run the build command to generate the minified assets
grunt build
This theme provides the basic functionality to pull Tweets from Twitter, and timeline updates from Facebook and Google+. To make use of these features, you MUST create an application on those services and generate OAuth API Tokens. These keys are added on the /dashboard/settings/social
Applications and keys can be generated at the following sites:
Google+: Facebook: Twitter:
The following options are made available through dashboard/settings/theme
Settings to connect to Twitter.
The twitter handle of the user you want to retrieve tweets from. eg @charlesportwood
The number of tweets you want to retrieve, as an integer
Settings to connect to Facebook.
This corresponds to the numerical facebook user id. Use a tool like to retrieve yours
Settings to connect to Google+.
Note that Google+ Settings have 2 sets of keys, a OAuth Key, and a Public API Access Server Key. For these settings to work you'll need a Public API Access Server key added to the dashboard settings page
This corresponds to the numerical google+ user id. As of 2014, you can use the instructions found at to retrieve yours.