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Evolutionary Grammar-Based Fuzzing for JSON-RPC APIs

Guide to run GEFRA in a docker container:

  1. To run GEFRA, the docker images (for either Ripple or Ganache) should be build. The docker images can be found in the `scripts` folder (under `ganache` or `rippled`). The Dockerfile can be build using the following command (from inside the folder that contains the Dockerfile):

    docker build -t <name_image> --no-cache .

    • For rippled use the rippled Dockerfile (in the rippled folder).
    • For ganache use the ganache Dockerfile (in the ganache folder). Important: for ganache the .nycrc file must be inside the same folder as the Dockerfile as this file is used to build the image. This file is available in the ganache folder.
  2. -----------
  3. To create a docker container based on the image, use the following command.

    docker run -it <name_image> $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8

    Or to tag the container with a name (makes it easier to access later):

    docker run -it --name <name_container> <name_image> $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8

    • The first argument $1 is the fitness function used (1-8). 8 is the diversity-based fitness function, which achieves the highest coverage amount.
    • $2 is the budget of the experiment (mins/evals/generations depending on budget type) (in mins, e.g. 30)
    • $3 is the budget type used (time, evals, or gens).
    • $4 is the server used (g for ganache or r for rippled).
    • $5 is the population size.
    • $6 is the proportion of the population that will be mutated (rather than a new individual being generated to replace the individual) (between 0 and 1, e.g. 0.5).
    • $7 is the probability that a param will change type when mutated (between 0 and 1).
    • $8 is the amount of generations to be processed before clustering again (only for diversity-based fitness).
  4. -----------
  5. If the docker image was built without an entry point, the following commands can be used to run the tool. Otherwise (the default), continue with Step 4.

    docker run -it <name_image>

    And then for an experiment on the rippled server:

    ./blockchain-testing/scripts/rippled/ $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8

    Or for an experiment on the ganache server:

    ./blockchain-testing/scripts/ganache/ $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8

    An example would be: ./blockchain-testing/scripts/ganache/ 8 30 t g 100 0.5 0.25 3. This would lead to an experiment on the ganache server with the evolutionary fuzzer for 30 minutes, with a population size of 100, 50% mutation proportion, 25% probability of type change and clustering after 3 generations).

  6. -----------
  7. After running the commands specified at Step 2 or 3, the experiment will start (specifically, is called and executed).

    After the experiment has (successfully) finished, the following files are generated:

    • /blockchain-testing/coverage-over-time.txt (shows branch and line coverage (%) of every 5 mins)
    • /blockchain-testing/output/archive_size.txt (includes final archive size and number of generations processed until stop)
    • /blockchain-testing/output/methods_archive.txt
    • /blockchain-testing/output/methods_per_gen.txt
    • /blockchain-testing/output/methods_total.txt
    • /blockchain-testing/output/status_codes_archive.txt
    • /blockchain-testing/output/status_codes_per gen.txt
    • /blockchain-testing/output/status_codes_total.txt

    And specifically for rippled:

    • /rippled-1.6.0/final_bcoverage_total.txt (branch coverage report after experiment)
    • /rippled-1.6.0/final_lcoverage_total.txt (line coverage report after experiment)
    • /rippled-1.6.0/final_bcoverage_archive.txt (branch coverage report based on tests in archive)
    • /rippled-1.6.0/final_lcoverage_archive.txt (line coverage report based on tests in archive)

    Or for ganache:

    • /ganache-cli/final_coverage_total.txt (branch and line coverage report after experiment)
    • /ganache-cli/final_coverage_archive.txt (branch and line coverage report based on tests in archive)
  8. -----------
  9. The files can be viewed from inside the docker container and/or they can be copied to the host machine.
    • To access the docker container, use the following commands:

    docker start <container_name> (to start the container again if the experiment finished already and the container was stopped)

    docker exec -it <container_name> /bin/bash (to get inside the container)

    • Or to copy the files to the host machine directly, use the following command from outside the docker container:

    mkdir <folder_name>

    docker cp <container_name>:<path_to_file_in_container> ./<folder_name>/

    The folder_name can be an identifiable name so it is clear to what experiment the results correspond to.

    The path_to_file_in_container is for example /ganache-cli/final_coverage_total.txt or /blockchain-testing/coverage-over-time.txt). The specific paths for the files are specified in Step 3.