This is a thin API layer on top of the CSV data provided by the Property Services Regulatory Authority. The PSRA’s CSVs have some funny encoding (CP1252), a misconfigured SSL certificate, and are generally a bit annoying to query directly. This service queries the CSVs and provides them here with a more standard JSON API. It doesn’t do any normalising or cleaning of the address or description fields, so any errors present on the register itself will be present here.
There are a bunch of caveats about the data on the PSRA’s price register site, so look for answers there if you’re curious.
The API only covers residential properties. Maybe you want to add commercial properties? Go ahead.
I made a public site primarily to illustrate how one might interact with this API. It’s generally what you'd expect, I hope. GET /api/v1/residential/sales
will return a list of JSON objects.
It's pretty straightforward to run the app yourself. It's a typical Elixir/Phoenix app that fetches and consumes CSVs from the PSRA.
You'll need Elixir, Erlang and PostgreSQL installed.
git clone
cd price-register
mix deps.get
mix ecto.setup
mix phx.server
Now you can visit localhost:4000
and it should be working. It might run a bit hot while it does its initial fetch from the PSRA.
If you're interested in contributing, put a note in the issues. And make sure the tests pass (mix test
In general, I'm thinking the scope is: let's make the API a bit better for querying and ordering results. But making the public site much better is out of scope – if you want to do that, just make your own service that consumes this API!