This is a specific installation and implementation of ICCTA
sudo apt-cache search mysql-server
sudo apt install mysql-server-5.7
mysql -uroot -prootroot
create user li@localhost identified by 'changeme';
grant all privileges on cc.* to li@localhost;
mysql -uli -pchangeme -e 'create database cc';
mysql -uli -pchangeme cc < res/schema;
Then,you can show the sql information
mysql -uli -pchangeme
show databases;
use cc;
show tables;
You can using ICCTA or FlowDroid without IC3 to achieve ICC.
java -jar iccta.jar apk_name ../platforms/
java -jar ic3.jar -a ActivityCommunication2.apk -cp ../../android-platforms/ -db -protobuf Icc_result_folder
The Icc_result_folder folder must be created in can use `mkdir Icc_result_folder` to achieve it.
Then, using option -im to enhance Flowdroid to achieve ICC detection.
java -jar flowdroid-2.10.jar -a apk -p ./platforms/ -s SourceAndSinks.txt -im Icc_result_folder/***.txt