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JNFuzz-Droid: a lightweight automated fuzz testing and taint analysis framework for native code.

Getting started


Before using JNFuzz-Droid, you must finish the following requirements:

  • Install Amandroid or JN-SAF for static taint analysis
  • JDK 1.8+ and python3.8
  • install jucify for symbolic execution
  • a real-world devices or emulator
  • The Frida tool has been configured on mobile devices and PC.

Using the tool

python3 options -i <apk_folder> -o <out_folder> [-a] [-f] ...


  • -i apk_folder : The path to the apk folder
  • -o out_folder : The path for apk out folder
  • -a : perform Amandroid static analysis
  • -f : perform FlowDroid static analysis
  • -arch [armeabi|armeabi-v7a|arm64-v8a|x86|x86_64] : Specified cpu architecture
  • -h : display the help
  • -r : remove some information to save memory space
  • -st time: static analysis time (s)
  • -t time : fuzzing time (s)
  • -d: display the process execution on another terminal, default no launch other terminal




python3 -i apk -o out -a

The input directory as follows:


The output directory structure is roughly as follows:

├── Data
│   └── native_leak
│       └── result
│          └── AppData.txt   # Results of Amandroid analysis
├── Dmethods
│   └── native_leak_Dmethods # Symbolic execution is used to save dynamic registration
├── IDDGs
│   └── native_leak.txt # Amandroid generates Inter-procedural Data Dependence Graph
├── outcome
│   └── native_leak
│       └── server1.cpp # server code for fuzzing
├── decompile
│   └── native_leak
│       └── xxxp # using apktool to decompile the native_leak.apk
├── report
│   └── native_leak.txt # Collect the native methods
├── taint_path
│   └── native_leak_taintpath.txt # Collect the taintpath
├── scripts
│   └── native_leak
│       └── script_1.txt # Save RS algorithm to generate JNIScript
└── static_exec_time.txt # The execution time of static analysis
└── report.txt # warning.log

In the same directory as out, there is also the apk_outcome.txt file, which stores the overall taint path. In addition, the jnfuzz-droid.log stores the run logs.

The Taint Path is:

native_leak script_1.txt Taint Path:
['getDeviceId:()Ljava/lang/String;', 'Lorg/arguslab/native_leak/MainActivity;.send:(Ljava/lang/String;)V[1]', 'JNIEnv->GetStringUTFChars[1]', '__android_log_print[2]']