$ openssl x509 -in aaaaaaaaa-certificate.pem.crt.txt -out cert.der -outform DER
$ openssl rsa -in aaaaaaaaaa-private.pem.key -out private.der -outform DER
$ xxd -i <cert/key file in DER format>
#define BIN_CRT <binary certificate>
#define BIN_CRT_LEN <binary cert length>
#define BIN_KEY <binary private key>
#define BIN_KEY_LEN <binary key length>
#define AWS_ENDPOINT <"">
#define UPDATE_TOPIC <"$aws/things/yourThingName/shadow/update">
- Look for the wifi with an SSID like
ESP-<some id>
- Visit in your browser
- Input wifi credentials that the device can connect to
The device will update the shadow, then deep sleep for 10 seconds.