Take the implementation of quicksort from the slides and make the following changes:
- Do not shuffle the array initially.
- Use the median-of-3 pivot selection (where possible), where the candidates are randomly selected.
Can you avoid randomly selecting a pivot candidate more than once?
Can you confirm the median-of-3 pivot selection quicksort to behave better on presorted input then the original quicksort (if you take out its shuffle as well)?
Reimplement quicksort as given on the slides, but without using recursion.
Hint: The partition method remains unchanged. Introduce an auxiliary data structure, a stack to "somehow" maintain the sub-arrays. It should not be necessary to create copies of the sub-arrays yet to be sorted.
Under what circumstances is this implementation beneficial?
From the web exercises for elementary sorts:
- 6: Stupidsort
- 9: Bogosort