Mips iDE's simulator and compiler backend
This code calculates the arithmetic mean of the array
array: .double 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 # Array of floating-point numbers
len: .word 6 # Length of the array
mtc1 $zero, $f12 # Set $f12 low 32-bits to 0.0 (initialize the sum to 0.0)
mthc1 $zero, $f12 # Set $f12 high 32-bits to 0.0 (initialize the sum to 0.0)
la $t4, array # Load the address of the array into $t4
li $t2, 48 # Load the size of the array in bytes (6 elements * 8 bytes per double = 48 bytes)
bnez $t2, 1 # If $t2 is not zero, continue to the next iteration of the loop
j end # Jump to the end of the program if $t2 is zero
addi $t2, $t2, -8 # Decrement $t2 by 8 (move to the previous element)
add $t3, $t4, $t2 # Calculate the address of the current element of the array
ldc1 $f10, 0($t3) # Load the value of the current element into $f10
add.d $f12, $f12, $f10 # Add the value of the current element to the sum in $f12
j loop # Jump back to the beginning of the loop
la $t4, len # Load the address of the length variable into $t4
lwc1 $f10, 0($t4) # Load the value of the length into $f10
cvt.d.w $f10, $f10 # Convert the integer length to double precision
div.d $f12, $f12, $f10 # Divide the sum by the length to calculate the mean
li $v0, 3 # Set $v0 to 3 (system call code for printing a floating-point number)
li $a0, 10 # Set $a0 to 10 (ASCII code for newline character)
li $v0, 11 # Set $v0 to 11 (system call code for printing a character)
This code computes the geometric mean of the array
array: .double 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 # Array of numbers
length: .word 6 # Length of the array
eps: .double 0.001
.globl main
# Initialize variables
la $t0, array # Load the address of the array into $t0
la $t1, length # Load the address of length into $t1
lw $t1, 0($t1) # Load the value of length into $t1
li $t2, 1 # Initialize $t2 with 1
mtc1 $t2, $f1 # Move $t2 to the floating-point register $f1
cvt.d.w $f1, $f1 # Convert the integer value in $f1 to double precision
beqz $t1, end_loop # If length is zero, exit the loop
ldc1 $f2, 0($t0) # Load the double value at the current index of array into $f2
mul.d $f1, $f1, $f2 # Multiply the product with the current element and store the result in $f1
addi $t0, $t0, 8 # Increment the array pointer by 8 bytes (64 bits)
addi $t1, $t1, -1 # Decrement the length by 1
j loop # Jump back to the loop
addi $sp, $sp, -16 # Allocate space on the stack
la $t1, length # Load the address of length into $t1
lw $t1, 0($t1) # Load the value of length into $t1
sdc1 $f1, 0($sp) # Store the product value on the stack
sw $t1, 8($sp) # Store the length value on the stack
jal binary_search # Jump and link to the binary_search function
# Print the result
li $v0, 3 # System call code for printing float
# Print the line
li $v0, 11 # System call code for printing character
li $a0, 10 # Load the ASCII code for a new line into $a0
# Exit the program
li $v0, 10 # System call code for exit
# Functions
ldc1 $f20, 0($sp) # Load the number from the stack
ldc1 $f21, 0($sp) # Load the number from the stack
lw $t0, 8($sp) # Load n from the stack
addi $t0, $t0, -1 # Decrement n by 1
bnez $t0, pow_n_continue # If n is not zero, continue
mov.d $f12, $f21 # Move the result (ans) to the output register
jr $ra # Return
mul.d $f21, $f21, $f20 # Multiply ans by the number
j pow_n_loop # Jump back to pow_n_loop
ldc1 $f1, 0($sp) # Load the number from the stack
ldc1 $f10, 0($sp) # Load the number from the stack
lw $t0, 8($sp) # Load n from the stack
li $t2, 1 # Initialize low = 1.0
mtc1 $t2, $f2 # Move $t2 to the floating-point register $f2
cvt.d.w $f2, $f2 # Convert the integer value in $f2 to double precision
la $t2, eps # Load the address of eps into $t2
ldc1 $f3, 0($t2) # Load the value of eps into $f3
li $t3, 2 # Load 2 into $t3
mtc1 $t3, $f8 # Move $t3 to the floating-point register $f8
cvt.d.w $f8, $f8 # Convert the integer value in $f8 to double precision
sub.d $f4, $f1, $f2 # Calculate high - low and store the result in $f4
cmp.le.d $f5, $f4, $f3 # Compare (high - low) with eps and set the result in $f5
bc1eqz $f5, 1 # If (high - low) <= eps, exit the loop
j bs_exit # Jump to bs_exit
add.d $f6, $f2, $f1 # Calculate low + high and store the result in $f6
div.d $f7, $f6, $f8 # Calculate (low + high) / 2.0 and store the result in $f7
addi $sp, $sp, -52 # Allocate space on the stack
# Preserve registers
sw $ra, 48($sp)
sdc1 $f10, 40($sp) # Push low onto the stack
sdc1 $f2, 32($sp) # Push low onto the stack
sdc1 $f1, 24($sp) # Push high onto the stack
sdc1 $f8, 16($sp) # Push 2.0 onto the stack
sw $t0, 8($sp) # Push n onto the stack
sdc1 $f7, 0($sp) # Push mid onto the stack
jal pow_n # Call the pow_n function to calculate pow_n(mid, n)
# Restore registers
lw $ra, 48($sp)
ldc1 $f10, 40($sp) # Pop low from the stack
ldc1 $f2, 32($sp) # Pop low from the stack
ldc1 $f1, 24($sp) # Pop high from the stack
ldc1 $f8, 16($sp) # Pop 2.0 from the stack
lw $t0, 8($sp) # Pop n from the stack
ldc1 $f7, 0($sp) # Pop mid from the stack
addi $sp, $sp, 52 # Deallocate space on the stack
cmp.lt.d $f9, $f12, $f10 # Compare pow_n(mid, n) with high and set the result in $f9
bc1eqz $f9, 1 # If pow_n(mid, n) < high, jump to bs_low
j bs_low # Jump to bs_low
mov.d $f1, $f7 # Set high = mid
j bs_loop # Jump back to bs_loop
mov.d $f2, $f7 # Set low = mid
j bs_loop # Jump back to bs_loop
mov.d $f12, $f2 # Set low = mid
jr $ra # Return
This code computes the hypothenus given x and y
.globl main
# Load default values for side1 and side2
li $s0, 3 # Load 3 into $s0
li $s1, 4 # Load 4 into $s1
# Calculate the squares of side1 and side2
mul $t0, $s0, $s0 # side1 * side1
mul $t1, $s1, $s1 # side2 * side2
# Calculate the sum of the squares
add $t2, $t0, $t1 # side1^2 + side2^2
# Calculate the square root of the sum
mtc1 $t2, $f12
cvt.s.w $f12, $f12
sqrt.s $f12, $f12 # Square root of the sum
# Print the result
li $v0, 2 # System call code for printing integer
# Print the line
li $v0, 11 # System call code for printing character
li $a0, 10 # load new line ascii code to $a0
# Exit the program
li $v0, 10 # System call code for exit
This code calculates x to the power
.globl main
# Store x and n in registers
li $s0, 2 # Move x to $s0
li $s1, 2 # Move n to $s1
# Initialize result to 1
li $t0, 1 # Load 1 into $t0
beqz $s1, exit # Exit loop if n == 0
mul $t0, $t0, $s0 # Multiply result by x
addi $s1, $s1, -1 # Decrement n by 1
j loop # Jump to loop label
# Print the result
li $v0, 1 # System call code for printing integer
move $a0, $t0 # Move result to $a0
# Print the line
li $v0, 11 # System call code for printing character
li $a0, 10 # load new line ascii code to $a0
# Exit the program
li $v0, 10 # System call code for exit
This snippet computes the root of the function y = x^2 - x using Newton approximation
x0: .float 1.5 # Initial guess for the root
epsilon: .float 0.001 # Error tolerance
.globl main
# Load initial guess and error tolerance
la $t0, x0
lwc1 $f0, 0($t0) # Load x0 into $f0
la $t0, epsilon
lwc1 $f1, 0($t0) # Load epsilon into $f1
# Compute the function value and its derivative at x0
mul.s $f2, $f0, $f0 # Compute x0^2
sub.s $f3, $f2, $f0 # Compute x0^2 - x0 (function value)
addi $sp, $sp, -4 # Allocate space on the stack
swc1 $f0, 0($sp) # Store x0 on the stack
addi $sp, $sp, -4 # Allocate space on the stack
swc1 $f2, 0($sp) # Store x0^2 on the stack
addi $sp, $sp, -4 # Allocate space on the stack
swc1 $f3, 0($sp) # Store function value on the stack
jal calculate_derivative # Jump to calculate_derivative function
addi $sp, $sp, 12 # Deallocate the stack space
# Calculate the new approximation using Newton's method
div.s $f6, $f3, $f6 # Divide function value by derivative
sub.s $f0, $f0, $f6 # Subtract the division result from x0
# Check if the approximation is within the error tolerance
abs.s $f12, $f6 # Take the absolute value of the division result
cmp.lt.s $f12, $f12, $f1 # Compare the absolute value with epsilon
bc1eqz $f12, 1 # Branch if true to the exit label
j exit
# Repeat the loop
j loop
lwc1 $f4, 8($sp) # Load x0 from the stack
lwc1 $f5, 4($sp) # Load x0^2 from the stack
li $t4, 2
mtc1 $t4, $f12
cvt.s.w $f12, $f12
mul.s $f6, $f4, $f12 # Compute 2 * x0
li $t4, 1
mtc1 $t4, $f12
cvt.s.w $f12, $f12
sub.s $f6, $f6, $f12 # Compute 2 * x0 - 1 (derivative value)
jr $ra
# Print the result
li $v0, 2 # System call code for printing float
mov.s $f12, $f0 # Load the result from memory to $f12
# Print the line
li $v0, 11 # System call code for printing character
li $a0, 10 # load new line ascii code to $a0
# Exit the program
li $v0, 10 # System call code for exit