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⬇️ AppliedNLP Paper Reproduction ⬇️

Code for Group 26 python implementation of Applied NLP project IN4325 🐠.

Team members:

Data 💾

For training and testing the models, we used the Clickbait Challenge labeled datasets that can be obtained from the Clickbait Challenge official site. Moreover, GloVe Twitter trained word embeddings needs to be downloaded from pymagnitude GitHub page.

Our custom Twitter clickBaits posts can be downloaded from this link.

Project structure 📂

The project tree is displayed bellow:

│            computes the features and saves them as a dataframes (needs running Stanford NLP java server) 
|   performs randomized grid-search for finding model's best hyperparams
|                    tests models with simple and combining classifiers for small, large and custom data
|              plots clickBait scores histograms for small and large dataset		          
|                    compute t-SNE to reduce 100d sentence vectors to 2D and plots scatterplot of sentences			
|                  calculates feature importance before training on the other features apart sentence embeds			
|                  computes feature importance after training using information gain for all features apart embeds		
|                    computes feature group importance on trained models			
|                 plots confusion matrix for predicted values based on trained models				
|                       logging system for generating folders initial structure and saving application logs to HTML files
|   config.txt                      application configuration file 
└───features   original, POS tags and sentence structure computed using Stanford NLP server, sentence structure features and word embeds
└───hyperparams       with randomized grid search class and hyperparameters search grid values for each classifier
└───utils             with the wrapper class for calling Stanford NLP java server and utility reading, splitting and concatenate data
└───crawler           JavaScript crawler for collecting our own custom clickBait tweets
|   |
│   │   small-large-custom_original.csv
|   |   small-large-custom_train.csv     
│   │   Downworthy.txt
|   |   glove.twitter.27B.100d.magnitude    ! needs to be downloaded 
|   |
│   └───small     ! needs to be downloaded 
|   |   media/
|   |   instances.jsonl
|   |   truth.jsonl
|   |
|   └───large     ! needs to be downloaded  same layout as small
|   └───custom    ! needs to be downloaded  same layout as small
|   |   Log files in HTML format for 
|   |   	hyperparams search, training and testing simple and ensembles models, compute importance of features a.s.o
|   └───
|   |
|   └───small
|   └───large
|   └───custom
|   |
│   │   Saved hyperparamaters after randomize grid search for Decision Tree, AdaBoost, Random Forest, XGBoost
│   |  
│   │   Saved trained simple and ensemble models as pickle files (NOT all pushed to GitHub due to space issue) 
│   └───
    │   Plots with clickBait scores distributions, tSNE scatterplot before training
    │   Plot with confusion matrix, barplots for feature importance after training 
    |   Csv's files with feature importance before and after trainining normalized scores    
    |   tSNE reduced to 2D sentence vectors as .npy files

❗ Do not forget to add the files downloaded in the previous section in the right folders according to the project structure

Config file 📑

	"SMALL_DATA_FOLDER": "small",
	"SMALL_DATA_FILE": "instances.jsonl",
	"SMALL_TARGETS_FILE": "truth.jsonl",
	"LARGE_DATA_FOLDER": "large",
	"LARGE_DATA_FILE": "instances.jsonl",
	"LARGE_TARGETS_FILE": "truth.jsonl",
	"CUSTOM_DATA_FOLDER": "custom",
	"CUSTOM_DATA_FILE": "twitter-out2019-04-06T12_10_16.106Z.jsonl",
	"CUSTOM_TARGETS_FILE": "truth.jsonl",
	"DOWNWORTHY_FILE" : "Downworthy.txt",
	"GLOVE_FILE": "glove.twitter.27B.100d.magnitude",
	"EMB_SIZE": "100",
	"BEST_ADA_S": "AdaBoostClassifier_params_2019-04-06_15_24_04.json",
	"BEST_RANDF_S": "RandomForestClassifier_params_2019-04-06_15_28_01.json",
	"BEST_DECT_S": "DecisionTreeClassifier_params_2019-04-06_15_23_06.json",
	"BEST_XGB_S": "XGBClassifier_params_2019-04-06_15_28_33.json",
	"BEST_ADA_L": "AdaBoostClassifier_params_2019-04-06_15_41_20.json",
	"BEST_RANDF_L": "RandomForestClassifier_params_2019-04-06_16_28_13.json",
	"BEST_DECT_L": "DecisionTreeClassifier_params_2019-04-06_15_30_59.json",
	"BEST_XGB_L": "XGBClassifier_params_2019-04-06_16_33_33.json",
	"SMALL_BEST": "RandomForestClassifier_0.0423.pkl",
	"LARGE_BEST": "VotingClassifier_0.0957.pkl",	

Installation 💻

The scripts can be run in Anaconda Windows/Linux environment.

You need to create an Anaconda 🐍 python 3.6 environment named app_nlp. Inside that environment some addition packages needs to be installed. Run the following commands inside Anaconda Prompt ⌨:

(base) conda create -n app_nlp python=3.6 anaconda
(base) conda activate app_nlp
(app_nlp) pip install vaderSentiment #vaderSentiment 3.2.1
(app_nlp) conda install -c anaconda py-xgboost #xgboost 0.8.0 
(app_nlp) pip install pymagnitude #pymagnitude 0.1.120
(app_nlp) pip install pytesseract #pytesseract 0.2.6

We will also need to download stopwords, opinion_lexicon and wordnet from nltk ⌨:

import nltk'stopwords')'opinion_lexicon')'wordnet')

The files downloaded at Data section needs to be places in the right folders according to the Project structure.

Moreover, Stanford CoreNLP jars needs to be downloaded in order to launch the java server required for running

Furthermore, tesseract needs to be installed (following this instructions) and added to PATH enviroment variable.

Usage ▶️

Before running, a CoreNLP server needs to be launched from terminal. On the same level as the unzipped Stanford java server, run the following command ⌨:

java -mx1024m -cp "stanford-corenlp-full-2018-10-05/*" edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLPServer \\ 
-preload tokenize,ssplit,pos,parse,depparse -status_port 9000 -port 9000 -timeout 300000

The importance scripts apart the ones that genearates plots or computes feature importances are and Both can be runned inside the enviroment created at Installation section 🚀 :

(base) conda activate app_nlp
(app_nlp) python
(app_nlp) python


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